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Up Directory CCL 14.10.23 Webinar on "Electron and Energy Transfer in Molecules"
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Oct 13 18:33:11 2014
Subject: 14.10.23 Webinar on "Electron and Energy Transfer in Molecules"
Register today at

To be held at 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m., EDT
Presentation by Dr. Joseph Subotnik.

In this webinar, I will go over the theory of electron and energy transfer in molecules, and I will 
review the definition and significance of the derivative coupling vector--i.e. those matrix elements
which mediates electronic transitions between electronic adiabats. I will show how one can generate 
derivative couplings vectors in Q-Chem between either CIS or TD-DFT excited states, and I will 
highlight how these derivative coupling vectors can be interpreted dynamically. As examples, we 
will look at a few models of photo-excitable organic chromophores. To complete the webinar, I will 
also discuss the  relationship between derivative couplings and quasi-diabatic states, which can 
also be generated with Q-Chem. Between these two approaches, I will demonstrate the full range 
of tools and features available within Q-Chem for studying electron or energy transfer in molecules.

Dr. Joseph Subotnik got his PhD in electronic structure theory from Berkeley in 2006 with Martin 
Head-Gordon, before moving to Tel-Aviv to study dynamics as a postdoc under Abe Nitzan from 
2007-2009. From 2009-2010, Joe was a postdoctoral fellow at Northwestern University under 
Mark Ratner. Joe joined the Department of Chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania as an 
Assistant Professor in 2010, and he became an associate faculty member in 2014. His research is 
focused on the intersection between electronic structure and chemical dynamics, with a special 
interest in condensed phase photophysics and photochemistry.

You can visit Dr. Subotnik's research group at
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