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Up Directory CCL 14.12.15 NBCR AMBER Workshop - UC San Diego - La Jolla, California, USA - December 2014
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Nov 6 21:32:30 2014
Subject: 14.12.15 NBCR AMBER Workshop - UC San Diego - La Jolla, California, USA - December 2014
We are glad to announce that registration is open for the NBCR Amber
Workshop 2014 that will be held at the Faculty Club of the University of
California, San Diego from the Mon 15th to Thur 18th Dec 2014. The course
will be taught by Ross C. Walker and Rommie Amaro with additional
instructors to be determined shortly.

More info:

Please feel free to forward this announcement to all your contacts.

With the best regards,

The Organizing Team

* Program
The duration of the meeting is 4 days, from Dec 15th to 18th 2014. A
provisional program is available on the workshop webpage
( Typically there will be
lectures 3 to 4 hours per day, and hands-on
tutorials, about 4 hours per day. There will also be 2 or 3 guest research
lectures from local faculty as well as a poster session in which attendees
will have the opportunity to present their work and engage directly with
developers of the AMBER software. Thanks to sponsorship from NVIDIA a K40
GPU will be given as a poster prize.

The content of the Workshop will include:

* Molecular Dynamics with Amber
* Using VMD to visualize AMBER
* Dealing with non-standard residues
* Building protein-ligand complexes
* Statistical Mechanics for Free Energy Calculations
* MM/PBSA calculations
* Thermodynamic Integration
* Enhanced sampling techniques
* Markov State Models with AMBER
* Accelerated Molecular Dynamics
* Using the Kepler Bioworkbench - Workflows for AMBER
* Analyzing Simulations
* Lipid Simulations with AMBER

The target audience is graduate students and postdocs as well as a few
faculty interested in learning about Molecular Dynamics techniques.
The course is designed to introduce Molecular Dynamics techniques from an
introductory perspective but will progress quickly. Some experience with
the Linux operating system is essential but experience with AMBER or other
molecular dynamics packages is not required.

* Registration
Registration is limited to 40 participants. The registration fee is $350
and includes a USB drive for all participants containing lecture notes,
hands on tutorials and a Virtual Box image with all software used in the
workshop; Coffee, snacks and refreshments on all 4 days; A buffet lunch on
all 4 days; a poster session and social reception and a workshop dinner.

To register please visit the following page:

Important: Registration deadline is December 1st 2014.

Hotels in San Diego at this time of year are likely to fill up fast so we
recommend you make arrangements soon. Information regarding finding
roommates to share hotel rooms will be available during registration.

Attendees are expected to bring their own laptop. The organization will
provide a pen-drive with all necessary software and training material.
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Modified: Fri Nov 7 02:32:30 2014 GMT
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