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Up Directory CCL 15.08.31 European Conference on Computational Chemistry, Fulda, Germany
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Feb 2 15:55:30 2015
Subject: 15.08.31 European Conference on Computational Chemistry, Fulda, Germany
The joint local organizing committee by the Chemistry-Information-Computers division (CIC) of the German Chemical Society (GDCh) and 
the Working Group of Theoretical Chemistry (AGTC) cordially invites you on behalf of the division of Computational Chemistry (DCC) 
of the European Association of Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS) to participate at the
10 European Conference on Computational Chemistry
August 31 – September 3, 2015, in Fulda, Germany
The conference will reflect and highlight recent developments and trends in computational chemistry and its impact on applied sciences. 
EuCO-CC 2015 will provide an unique information and communication platform and will span a wide range of subjects related to computational chemistry, 
theoretical chemistry, material sciences, biology and drug design and from fundamental academic research to industrial applications.
You are all warmly welcomed to share your most recent findings and ideas as talk, poster, research telegram or application demo 
on the following topics and themes:

Drug Design meets Theoretical Chemistry
Computational Chemistry of Biomolecules and Biological Systems
Computational Material Sciences
Electronic Structure and Complex Properties of Molecular Systems
Molecular Dynamics and Kinetics
Quantum Mechanics and Molecular Mechanics
Condensed Phase
Catalysis and Inorganic Systems
Virtual Environments in Computational Sciences

Outstanding keynote speakers will outline recent trends in specific fields of interest. 

Confirmed Speakers:
Margareta Blomberg, Stockholm/SE
Ria Broer, Groningen/NL
Holger Gohlke, Dusseldorf/DE
Benedetta Mennucci, Pisa/IT
Maria Joao Ramos, Porto/PT
Gabor Terstyanszky, London/UK
Walter Thiel, Muhlheim an der Ruhr/DE

The scientific program will be completed by exhibitors presenting latest methods and applications in the field of computational chemistry.

More information can be found on the conference webpage or in the Call for Papers:

We are looking forward to seeing you in Fulda!
The organizers
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Modified: Mon Feb 2 20:55:30 2015 GMT
Page accessed 6544 times since Mon Feb 2 20:55:31 2015 GMT

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