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Up Directory CCL 15.09.14 20th International Workshop on QUANTUM SYSTEMS IN CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS, AND BIOLOGY (QSCP-XX), Varna, Bulgaria
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sun Feb 22 11:56:25 2015
Subject: 15.09.14 20th International Workshop on QUANTUM SYSTEMS IN CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS, AND BIOLOGY (QSCP-XX), Varna, Bulgaria
Twentieth International Workshop on
September 14-20, 2015, Varna, Bulgaria
This 20th Anniversary Workshop, like the previous QSCP meetings, 
will bring together chemists and physicists interested in quantum 
systems in molecular, nano and material sciences. Quantum biochemists
and biophysicists are also welcome. Emphasis will be on relativistic 
quantum theory, many-body methodology, innovative conceptualization,
computational realization, as well as novel applications.
The Workshop will include sessions on:
* Concepts and Methods in Quantum Chemistry (CMQC)
* Relativistic Effects in Quantum Chemistry (REQC)
* Molecular Structure, Dynamics, and Spectroscopy (MSDS)
* Atoms and Molecules in Strong Fields (AMSF)
* Particles and Plasmas in Physics and Chemistry (PPPC)
* Reactive Collisions, Chemical Reactions, and Catalysis (RCCR)
* Complexes and Clusters; Surfaces and Interfaces (CCSI)
* Molecular and Nano Materials, Electronics and Biology (MNEB)
* Computational Chemistry, Physics and Biology (CCPB)
The Proceedings of the Workshop will, as usual, be published.

You may register on-line through the following link: (under construction)
You may also ask queries and tell us if you wish to attend by 
e-mailing to: qscp.varna^^, with a copy to: 
The Workshop will be held at the Euxinograd Residence in Varna, 
Bulgaria. It will last from September 14 to 20, 2015.
As during most QSCP workshops since Sofia (Bulgaria) and also at 
the ICTCP-IV Congress in Marly-le-Roi (France), there will be an 
AWARD CEREMONY for the CMOA Promising Scientist Prize at the Banquet 
Dinner of QSCP-XX. If you wish to APPLY or NOMINATE a young scientist 
please consult our web site:, and send 
your application or nomination before July 16 to Prof. Alia Tadjer, 
Cochair of the QSCP-XX workshop (tadjer^^, with copies
to Prof. Jean Maruani, President of CMOA (qscp.etal^^, 
and to Prof. Erkki Brandas, Chair of the Selection Committee 
More information can be found on the conference webpage:
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Modified: Sun Feb 22 16:56:27 2015 GMT
Page accessed 6126 times since Sun Feb 22 16:40:04 2015 GMT

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