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Up Directory CCL 15.12.15 Photocatalysis and Charge Transfer at Interfaces and Nanomaterials
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sun Mar 29 17:12:45 2015
Subject: 15.12.15 Photocatalysis and Charge Transfer at Interfaces and Nanomaterials

Photocatalysis and Charge Transfer at Interfaces and Nanomaterials


Abstract Submission Details
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Division Topic Area: Physical, Theoretical & Computational (PHYS)
Symposium Title: Photocatalysis and Charge Transfer at Interfaces and Nanomaterials
Symposium ID: 344
Deadline: April 3, 2015

The symposium focuses on computational and experimental research of photo-induced dynamics in semiconductor nano-structures, metal oxides, and supported metal clusters. We also welcome presentations on novel classes of materials for solar energy conversion.
Presentations on novel materials such as lead halide organic-inorganic perovskites are welcome.

The symposium presents recent experimental and computational synergistic advances addressing the issue of charge transfer at the interfaces of nanomaterials for photovoltaic and photo-electrochemical applications.

Symposium focuses at understanding the photoinduced processes of light absorption, formation and breaking of charge transfer excitations, hot carrier relaxation, and reaction dynamics at catalytic sites – affected by lattice vibrations and solvent polarization dynamics. These processes are monitored by femtosecond spectral methods and modeled using nonadibatic excited state dynamics.
The efficiency of photo-catalytic and photovoltaic solar energy conversion is improved by active exploration of composition and morphology of nano-materials. Change of composition, quantum confinement, size, shape, surface functionalization, magnetic doping, and meso-scale structural arrangement provide versatile tuning of timescales of available basic mechanisms and properties of materials.

Further details about the symposium can be found in the conference flier Poster_PACIFICHEM_PPT_V23f_2.pdf

Speakers are encouraged to accompany the talks by posters presented by a students. Travel stipends to students may become available.

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Modified: Sun Mar 29 21:59:06 2015 GMT
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