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Up Directory CCL 15.08.30 Summer School Methods in Molecular Energy Research, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Germany
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Tue Mar 31 03:18:42 2015
Subject: 15.08.30 Summer School Methods in Molecular Energy Research, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Germany
Methods in Molecular Energy Research: Theory and Spectroscopy

Combining spectroscopic methods with theoretical chemistry has evolved into a major and powerful 
component of modern research in molecular sciences. This summer school aims to offer students, 
postdocs and young researchers the necessary knowledge to bridge the gap between these two 

The school consists of morning lectures by international experts, in which various spectroscopic
techniques are presented and the basics of the computational approaches are discussed. 
Every afternoon, practical sessions will then focus on electronic structure calculations and the
prediction of spectroscopic properties.

Keynote speakers:

Prof. William Tolman, University of Minnesota
Prof. Stefan Grimme, University of Bonn


Introduction to computational chemistry
Ligand field theory, Magnetism
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), optical (UV/Vis) and MCD, vibrational (IR/Raman), 
Moessbauer, and X-ray spectroscopies (XAS, XES)
Calculation of spectroscopic parameters
Advanced special interest lectures

Further information and contact:
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Modified: Tue Mar 31 07:18:42 2015 GMT
Page accessed 5061 times since Tue Mar 31 07:15:31 2015 GMT

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