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Up Directory CCL 15.12.02 MM2015, UNSW Australia, Sydney, Australia
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Jul 2 02:48:35 2015
Subject: 15.12.02 MM2015, UNSW Australia, Sydney, Australia
MM2015 is the latest in the series of MM conferences, 
the premier conferences of the Association of Molecular Modellers 
of Australasia (AMMA).
Registration and Abstract Submission are now open
We have an impressive line-up of Plenary and Keynote Speakers, 
details for all are on the website: 
The conference will be held at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, 
from 2 to 5 Dec 2015.

The themes of the conference will include:
    -molecular dynamics and quantum chemistry simulations of biomolecules 
     and materials
    -methodological developments in hierarchical modelling
    -computer-aided drug design and cheminformatics
    -molecular modelling education
Deadline: 31 October 2015
for both Early Bird Registration and Abstract Submission
For the organising committee:
Dr Renate Griffith FRACI
Assoc. Prof. Pharmacology
School of Medical Sciences
UNSW Australia
Phone: 9385 1912
Email: r.griffith ~~
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Modified: Thu Jul 2 06:48:35 2015 GMT
Page accessed 4712 times since Thu Jul 2 06:45:27 2015 GMT

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