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Up Directory CCL 15.11.04 Symposium on Computational Studies of Protein Function: call for abstracts
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Jul 20 14:24:01 2015
Subject: 15.11.04 Symposium on Computational Studies of Protein Function: call for abstracts
I'd like to invite abstracts for oral presentations in a symposium I'm
organizing, "Computational Studies of Protein Function" for the Joint
Southeast/Southwest Regional Meeting of the ACS, which will be held in
Memphis, TN, November 4-7, 2015. In particular, these ACS meetings are
a great way for young scientists to get their research in front of an
audience outside their institutions.

There are still open slots, but the abstract deadline is August
10. Abstract sumbmission site:
Meeting website:

Confirmed speakers are:

Toshiko Ichiye, Professor and McGowan Chair in Chemistry Geogetown
University. Web:

B. Montgomery Pettitt, Professor and Robert A. Welch Distinguished
Chair in Chemistry, Pharmacology and Toxicology and Directory of the
Sealy Center for Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics,
University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston. Web:

Alexey Onufriev, Associate Professor of Computer Science and Physics,
Virginia Tech. Web:
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Modified: Mon Jul 20 18:24:01 2015 GMT
Page accessed 4567 times since Mon Jul 20 18:24:01 2015 GMT

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