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Up Directory CCL 15.10.01 3rd INTERNATIONAL BAU DRUG DESIGN CONGRESS, Istanbul (01-03 October 2015)
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Jul 22 22:51:20 2015
Subject: 15.10.01 3rd INTERNATIONAL BAU DRUG DESIGN CONGRESS, Istanbul (01-03 October 2015)
The main theme of the BAU-Drug Design 2015 will be 
Recent Developments in Structure- and Ligand-based Drug Design 
Methodologies, which will cover a wide range of critically 
important sessions. This congress aims to serve as a platform for 
interaction among renowned experimental and computational scientists 
from academia and industry to discuss the latest developments in methodology, 
application and approaches in the drug design field and to accelerate 
scientific discovery.
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Modified: Thu Jul 23 02:51:20 2015 GMT
Page accessed 4574 times since Thu Jul 23 02:50:33 2015 GMT

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