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Up Directory CCL 16.03.13 CALL FOR PAPERS CINF symposium "Towards the integration of Quantitative and Systems Pharmacology into drug discovery: a systems level understanding of therapeutic and toxic effects of drugs" in the Upcoming ACS Meeting "Computers in Chemistry" , San Diego, California, March 13-17, 2016
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Aug 26 03:38:17 2015
Subject: 16.03.13 CALL FOR PAPERS CINF symposium "Towards the integration of Quantitative and Systems Pharmacology into drug discovery: a systems level understanding of therapeutic and toxic effects of drugs" in the Upcoming ACS Meeting "Computers in Chemistry" , San Diego, California, March 13-17, 2016
CALL FOR PAPERS Upcoming ACS Meeting "Computers in Chemistry",
San Diego, California, March 13-17, 2016

It is a great pleasure to announce the 251st ACS National Meeting &
Exposition Theme : "Computers in Chemistry", which will take
place in San Diego in March 13-17, 2016.

On behalf of the CINF Programming Committee for ACS Meeting, I encourage
you to submit your abstracts to our CINF symposia,  especially the
symposium which I am organizing:

"Towards the integration of Quantitative and Systems Pharmacology
into drug discovery: a systems level understanding of therapeutic and
toxic effects of drugs", cosponsored by MEDI and TOXI ACS divisions

Brief description of the symposium:
Over the past three decades, the predominant paradigm in drug discovery
was designing selective ligands for a specific target to avoid unwanted
side effects. However, in the last 5 years, the aim has shifted to take
into account the biological network in which they interact. 
Quantitative and Systems Pharmacology (QSP) is a new paradigm that aims to
understand how drugs modulate cellular networks in space and time, in
order to predict drug targets and their role in human pathophysiology.
The goal of this symposium is to go trough the current computational and
experimental QSP approaches such as polypharmacology techniques combined
with systems biology information and consider the use of new tools and
ideas in a wider 'systems-level' context in order to design new
drugs with improved efficacy and fewer unwanted off-target effects.

Abstracts may be submitted via the ACS online Program & Abstract
Creation System (PACS) at: 
You do not have to be an ACS member to create an account for PACS
(although if you have a login for the ACS site, you can use that). 
PACS is open for abstract submissions and it will close to authors on
October 5th 2016 for CINF Division. 
You can learn more about American Chemical Society Meetings by visiting
the website

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I look
forward to hearing from you and hope you can join us in San Diego in March 2016!

Best regards,

Violeta Isabel Perez Nueno
E:  (Make your own = sign) 
Senior Researcher
T: +33 6 38 87 85 47
P: LORIA, INRIA Nancy Grand Est
Campus Scientifique, BP239
54506 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy
All @ signs were changed to = to fight spam. Before you send e-mail, you need to change = to @
For example: change to
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Modified: Wed Aug 26 11:38:20 2015 GMT
Page accessed 5578 times since Wed Aug 26 07:21:06 2015 GMT

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