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Up Directory CCL 16.07.04 Australian symposium on Computationally Enhanced Materials Design (ACEMD)
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Oct 8 08:53:30 2015
Subject: 16.07.04 Australian symposium on Computationally Enhanced Materials Design (ACEMD)
The first Australian symposium on Computationally Enhanced Materials Design 
- ACEMD will be held in conjunction with the Energy Future Conference, Sydney, 
July 4 to July 6, 2016. The symposium will comprise of registration and reception on the 
afternoon of Monday 4th July followed by two full days of scientific sessions.

Topics for abstracts may cover the full range of computational investigations of new 
materials, new properties and new applications in both hard and soft matter. In concert 
with the themes of the Energy Future conference, a particular focus will be on 
energy including harvesting, storage and energy efficient processes such as catalysis 
for a sustainable economy and environment. However, computational investigations 
of biomaterials and nanobiotechnologies are also welcome. Both fundamental 
methodology development and applied computational studies are highly relevant. 
Also welcome are presentations from experimental investigators that display a strong 
collaborative synergy with computational modelling.

More information at
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Modified: Thu Oct 8 12:53:30 2015 GMT
Page accessed 5093 times since Thu Oct 8 12:49:30 2015 GMT

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