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Up Directory CCL 16.09.12 Emerging technologies and scientific advancements in Chemical Engineering and its Applications
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Nov 19 04:20:37 2015
Subject: 16.09.12 Emerging technologies and scientific advancements in Chemical Engineering and its Applications
OMICS International Conferences invites all the participants from all
over the world to attend International Conference on Chemical
Engineering during September 12-14, 2016 Phoenix, USA. Which includes
prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and
TRACK 1 : Advances in chemical engineering

Chemical engineering deals with the application of physical science
(e.g., chemistry and physics), and life sciences with mathematics and
economics, to the process of converting raw materials or chemicals into
more useful or valuable forms. In addition to producing useful
materials, modern chemical engineering is also concerned with
pioneering valuable new materials and techniques such as
nanotechnology, fuel cells and biomedical engineering.

TRACK 2: Advances in renewable chemicals

Renewable chemicals are used for enhancing the use of renewable
resources rather than fossil fuels. Renewable chemicals include all the
chemicals which are produced from renewable feedstock such as
microorganisms, biomass (plant, animal, and marine), and agricultural
raw materials. Renewable chemicals are used in various applications
across different industries such as in food processing, housing,
textiles, environment, transportation, hygiene, pharmaceutical, and
other applications. Renewable chemicals are primarily available as
ketones, alcohols, organic acids, and bio-polymers. They are used in
surfactants and lubricants, consumer goods, resins, and plastics for
environmental purpose. There are various technologies available which
are used for producing renewable chemicals The renewable chemicals
market is expanding primarily the abundance of renewable chemicals, and
the consumer’s inclination towards using eco-friendly
products. The high cost and certain issues related to the production of
renewable chemicals are the factors that are hampering the growth of
this market. Presently Europe forms the largest market for renewable
chemicals, but Asia-Pacific is driving the market growth, and is
expected to dominate the renewable chemicals market by 2018. Due to the
rise in energy requirements, increase in population, and improving
economic conditions in the Asia-Pacific region, the demand for
renewable chemicals is expected to grow in this region.

TRACK 3: Thermodynamics And Chemistry

Thermodynamics is a branch of physics concerned with heat and
temperature and their relation to energy and work . Thermodynamics
applies to a wide variety of topics in science and engineering,
especially physical chemistry, chemical engineering and mechanical
engineering. Thermodynamic equilibrium is one of the most important
concepts for thermodynamics. A thermodynamic operation usually leads to
a thermodynamic process of transfer of mass or energy that changes the
state of the system, and the transfer occurs in natural accord with the
laws of thermodynamics. Thermodynamic systems are theoretical
constructions used to model physical systems that exchange matter and
energy in terms of the laws of thermodynamics. The study of
thermodynamical systems has developed into several related branches,
such as Classical thermodynamics, Local equilibrium thermodynamics,
Generalized or extended thermodynamics, Statistical thermodynamics,
Chemical thermodynamics.

TRACK 4 : Chemical Industry and Market Analysis

The chemical industry is one of the fastest growing segments in
manufacturing industry. Chemicals broadly include bulk petrochemicals
and intermediates, minerals, polymers, other derivatives, etc. The
industry has been undergoing important structural changes in the recent
years, such as new developing markets, change in manufacturing
locations, superior technologies, and rising raw material cost. The key
challenges for the industry are government regulations, carbon-emission
policies, and economies of scale. Transparency Market Research provides
reports on sealants, adhesives, explosives, general chemicals,
agro-chemicals, specialty chemicals, petrochemicals, renewable
chemicals paints and coatings, colorants, biodegradable plastic, and
other chemicals.

TRACK 5: Electrochemical Engineering

An electrochemical process is a chemical reaction that  is caused by
the movement of electrical current. These processes are a type of
oxidation-reduction reaction in which one atom or molecule loses an
electron to another atom or molecule. In electrochemical reactions, the
atoms or molecules in the reaction are relatively far apart from each
other compared to other reactions, forcing the electrons being
transferred to travel a greater distance and thereby produce an
electrical current. Many natural phenomena are based on electrochemical
processes, such as the corrosion of metals, the ability of some sea
creatures to generate electrical fields, and the workings of the
nervous systems of humans and other animals. They also play an
important role in modern technology, most prominently in the storage of
electrical power in batteries, and the electrochemical process called
electrolysis is important in modern industry. Neurons use
electrochemical processes to transmit information through the nervous
system, allowing the nervous system to communicate with itself and with
the rest of the body. Electric batteries use electrochemical processes
to store and release electricity.
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Modified: Thu Nov 19 12:41:11 2015 GMT
Page accessed 4296 times since Thu Nov 19 09:20:39 2015 GMT

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