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Up Directory CCL 15.12.02 CUNY ITS Workshop on Electronic Structure and Dynamics: First-Principles Electronic Structure, Excitations, and Dynamics beyond Standard Density Functional Theory
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Nov 28 22:04:39 2015
Subject: 15.12.02 CUNY ITS Workshop on Electronic Structure and Dynamics: First-Principles Electronic Structure, Excitations, and Dynamics beyond Standard Density Functional Theory
2015 Workshop on Electronic Structure and Dynamics 
Place: CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY
Date: Dec. 02, 2015 (9:30 am -5:30 pm)

"First-Principles Electronic Structure, Excitations, and Dynamics Beyond Standard Density Functional Theory" with invited speakers

Weitao Yang, Duke University:
"Electron Correlation and Excitation Energy from Pairing Fluctuations"

Mark Pederson, Johns Hopkins University:
"Prospects for Self-Interaction-Corrected DFT with Unitary Invariance:
Applications to Molecular Magnets and Porphyrins"

Sahar Sharifzadeh, Boston University:
"DFT and Beyond-DFT Methods for Understanding Excited-States in Solids"

Ken Lopata, Louisiana State University
"Time-Dependent DFT Above Ionization: Resonances, X-Ray Absorption, and Strong-eld Tunneling"

No registration fee but registration is required at the following site:
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Modified: Sun Nov 29 03:04:40 2015 GMT
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