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Up Directory CCL 16.06.23 Advancing the Frontiers of (Bio)Chemistry with Valence Bond Approaches. A workshop at Uppsala University, June 23-25, 2016.
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Tue Jan 5 06:31:36 2016
Subject: 16.06.23 Advancing the Frontiers of (Bio)Chemistry with Valence Bond Approaches. A workshop at Uppsala University, June 23-25, 2016.
Dear Colleague,

We will be holding a workshop highlighting different applications and implementations of the 
empirical valence bond approach for studying (bio)chemical reactivity between June 23-25, 2016, 
at Uppsala University. The topics covered in the conference will include (i) a basic introduction to 
reactive force fields, comparing EVB to other currently available methods, (ii) an introduction 
specifically to the empirical valence bond approach; (iii) developments in EVB methods and 
algorithms, including the use of EVB reference potentials to accelerate ab initio QM/MM calculations, 
(iv) the use of the EVB approach to rationalize the origin of linear free energy relationships and 
enzyme catalysis, and (v) new applications of EVB to address problems such as reaction dynamics and
 enzyme design. 

Thanks to generous sponsorship from the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsradet) and the 
Wenner-Gren Foundation there is no registration fee for this workshop, but registration is required. 
There will be a poster session and some additional slots for oral presentations, so abstracts are 

**** Abstract submissions will be received until March 31th 2016 for oral presentations (April 22th 
for posters) and registrations until May 22th and/or until the workshop reaches capacity ****

Further information about the conference as well as a registration link can be found at:

***A list of confirmed speakers includes as keynote speakers***     

Ilan Benjamin (UC Santa Cruz)
David Glowacki (University of Bristol)
Sharon Hammes-Schiffer (Pennsylvania State University)
Janez Mavri (National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia)
Markus Meuwly (University of Basel)
Bjorn Olav Brandsdal (Arctic University of Tromso)
Avital Shurki (Hebrew University Jerusalem)
Robert Vianello (Ruder Boskovic Institute)
Johan Aqvist (Uppsala University)
Jan Florian (Loyola University Chicago)

We hope to welcome you in Uppsala next summer!

Best wishes,

Lynn Kamerlin & Fernanda Duarte
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Modified: Tue Jan 5 11:31:36 2016 GMT
Page accessed 4632 times since Mon Jan 4 19:49:33 2016 GMT

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