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Up Directory CCL 16.06.27 French speaking theoretical chemists (RCTF) biannual meeting ,Rockefeller Center, Lyon, France
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Jan 15 05:25:55 2016
Subject: 16.06.27 French speaking theoretical chemists (RCTF) biannual meeting ,Rockefeller Center, Lyon, France
RCTF 2016 is an international conference that will gather more than 150 
scientists and researchers specialists in both fundamental and applied 
theoretical chemistry, within domains as various as energy, environment,
 nanotechnology, catalysis, biochemistry, etc. A few numbers: the French 
theoretical chemistry community is composed of over 235 researchers, 
divided into 33 laboratories. Each year, more than 135 students are 
trained for complex systems modelling.

RCTF 2016 will be the 15th edition of biannual meeting of French speaking 
theoretical chemists, and will follow the RCTF symposia held in Paris, 
Marseille and Namur. RCTF 2016 will take place in Lyon from June 27th 
to July 1st, 2016.

Among the themes selected for 2016, industrial problematic are going 
to be particularly honoured, with a dedicated plenary session. The 
objective of this session is to stimulate interactions between academic
 researchers and industrialists, through a series of examples presented
 by actors from both the academic and the industrial worlds.

Abstracts submission will be open on March 1st, 2016. You must 
pre-register on the congress website before submitting your abstract
 in "My Options" tab of your personal account. Guideline for abstract
 submission is available here.

More information on the congress website:

Do not hesitate to contact us at: rctf2016(0)

We hope to see you for this 15th edition!
The organizing team
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Modified: Fri Jan 15 10:25:55 2016 GMT
Page accessed 4782 times since Fri Jan 15 10:23:58 2016 GMT

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