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Up Directory CCL 16.09.12 Emerging technologies and scientific advancements in Chemical Engineering and its Applications
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Feb 27 05:43:56 2016
Subject: 16.09.12 Emerging technologies and scientific advancements in Chemical Engineering and its Applications
 Chemical Engineering 2016  aims to bring together researchers, engineering,
geologists, environmentalist and delegates from petroleum and refinery
companies. Meet Inspiring Speakers and Experts at our 1000+ Global Events
inclusive of 300+ Conferences, 500+ Workshops and 200+ Symposiums every year
on Pharma, Medicine, Science and Technology The theme of conference is
“Emerging technologies and scientific advancements in
Chemical Engineering and its Applications”. Chemical
engineering 2016 aims to promote various researches on chemicals among
scientists, academia and industries. Chemical engineering 2016 offers
various topics for interaction including Thermodynamics, Electrochemical
process, Biochemical engineering, Polymer Technology to useful Energy.
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Modified: Sat Feb 27 15:24:30 2016 GMT
Page accessed 3872 times since Sat Feb 27 10:43:58 2016 GMT

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