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Up Directory CCL 16.05.28 Second Polish-Korean Conference on "Protein Folding: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches"
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Mar 7 23:42:40 2016
Subject: 16.05.28 Second Polish-Korean Conference on "Protein Folding: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches"
The Second Polish-Korean Conference on "Protein Folding: 
Theoretical and Experimental Approaches"

Conference web page:

Time: May 28 (Sat ) - June 1 (Wed), 2016
Place: Lezno Palace near Gdansk, Poland

Investigating the folding and misfolding of proteins and other biological 
molecules is of utmost importance in the post-Genome era because of its 
role in the functioning of the living cells. Protein misfolding can lead 
to cancer and hereditary diseases; designing effective therapies and drugs 
against such diseases is one of the long-term goals of the research on 
protein folding. This research requires extensive collaboration between 
biochemists, biophysicists, chemical and theoretical physicists, 
theoretical chemists, and bioniformaticians. The researchers from the 
University of Gdansk, Poland, and Korea Institute for Advanced Study 
(KIAS), Republic of Korea are very active in protein-folding research and 
the two institutions have a long-time history of collaboration in the field.
This collaboration prompted the idea of organizing a series of conferences 
held in Seoul and in Gdansk, on an alternating basis, to promote scientific 
collaboration and exchange between the scientists of the Republic of Korea 
and Poland, as well as other countries in Asia and Europe, on protein 
folding and related fields. The first conference of the series was held 
from May 24 to May 28 in Seoul (

Topics Covered:

Protein folding, thermodynamics & kinetics of folding, 
physical principles of folding, protein structure and function, 
structure prediction, protein misfolding, aggregation & diseases, 
protein evolution, protein networks, protein-protein interactions, 
protein-ligand interactions, sequence design, 
protein modeling and simulation, including all-atom and coarse-grained 
force fields and algorithms.

Invited Speakers: 

Philippe Derreumaux (Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique CNRS, Paris, France)
Yi He (Cornell U, USA)
Changbong Hyeon (KIAS, Rep. of Korea)
Keehyoung Joo (KIAS, Rep. of Korea)
Andrzej Kolinski (U of Warsaw, Poland)
Maciej Kozak (Adam Mickiewicz U, Poland)  
Igor Konieczny (U of Gdansk and Medical U of Gdansk, Poland)
Kunihiro Kuwajima (U of Tokyo, Japan/KIAS, Rep. of Korea)
In-Ho Lee (KRISS/KIAS, Rep. of Korea)
Jooyoung Lee (KIAS, Rep. of Korea)
Weontae Lee (Yonsei U, Rep. of Korea)
Haiguang Liu (Beijing Computational Science Research Center, P.R. China) 
Victor Munoz (Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas, Madrid, Spain)
Antti Niemi (Uppsala U, Sweden)
Stanislaw Oldziej (U of Gdansk and Medical U of Gdansk, Poland)
Sylwia Rodziewicz-Motowidlo (U of Gdansk, Poland)
Masaki Sasai (Nagoya U, Japan) 
Chaok Seok (Seoul National U, Rep. of Korea)	
Adam Sieradzan (U of Gdansk, Poland)
Joanna Sulkowska (U. of Warsaw, Poland)
Magdalena Slusarz  (U of Gdansk, Poland)
Martin Zacharias (Munich Technical U, Germany) 

Organizing Committee:

Cezary Czaplewski (U of Gdansk)
Jooyoung Lee (KIAS)
Adam Liwo (U of Gdansk)
Artur Giełdoń (U. of Gdansk) - conference secretary
Mariusz Makowski (U. of Gdansk)


The official language of the conference will be English.

IMPORTANT!  Because of the limited space of the Leźno palace, conference 
attendance is limited to 60 participants. Therefore, participant 
registrations will be accepted on the first-come-first-served basis. 
Please register promptly if you intend to participate. Registration will 
be closed as soon as the space is filled. 

Please visit the conference web page at for details
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Modified: Tue Mar 8 04:42:40 2016 GMT
Page accessed 4641 times since Tue Mar 8 04:21:57 2016 GMT

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