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Up Directory CCL 16.06.15 OpenEye Scientific meeting - EuroCUP IX, Nice, France
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Apr 14 11:25:08 2016
Subject: 16.06.15 OpenEye Scientific meeting - EuroCUP IX, Nice, France
OpenEye is pleased to announce its annual 

European Scientific Conference and User Group Meeting

                    EuroCUP IX

EuroCUP IX will be taking place at the Chateau De La Begude in Nice, France 
from June 15-17, 2016.

The format will be much the same as in previous years, with 4 half-day sessions 
across the 3 days. The Wednesday afternoon is set aside for presentations from 
OpenEye, while Thursday and Friday will feature talks by speakers from industry 
and academia.

There will be a poster session on Wednesday night. Everyone is encouraged to 
present a poster. OpenEye is awarding several travel grants (covering the cost 
of accommodation and board) to students presenting a poster. 
To apply, please register and provide your proposed topic.

Registration for EuroCUP is free except for accommodation and board costs 
which need to be paid to the hotel.

For more information please check:
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Modified: Thu Apr 14 15:25:08 2016 GMT
Page accessed 4678 times since Thu Apr 14 15:21:32 2016 GMT

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