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CCL 16.08.28 Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry 2016 |
From: chemistry-request at To: chemistry-request at Date: Sun Apr 24 21:58:50 2016 Subject: 16.08.28 Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry 2016 2nd Announcement: Registration and Abstract Submission are now open for TACC2016 , the conference on "Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry", to be held on the campus of the University of Washington in Seattle, USA, August 28 to September 2, 2016. Registration fees are: early-bird registration = $600 ; early-bird registration (student) = $450 ; normal registration = $700 ; normal registration (student) = $500. Early-bird registration will end May 4th, 2016. Registration and abstract submission can be accomplished through the conference website at . Information about the conference, activities, and housing is also available on the website. Contributed oral presentations will be selected from among the abstracts submitted to the conference. We would like to encourage you to forward this announcement to colleagues and students who might be interested in the conference. TACC2016 will convene leading researchers in theoretical and computational chemistry and allied disciplines to present and discuss forefront research in the development and application of chemical theory and computation. A broad range of fundamental and applied topics in chemistry, biochemistry, and materials science will be covered, including a special focus on computational approaches that bridge the gap between atomistic simulations and mesoscale phenomena, and that exploit advanced computing and informatics technologies to push the frontiers of the field. The program will include keynote, plenary and parallel invited lectures, with contributed presentations selected from among the abstracts submitted to the conference. For more information on the conference, please consult the website at . TACC2016 will be the fourth conference in a quadrennial series of conferences that have been held in Gyeongju, Korea (2004), Shanghai, China (2008), and in Pavia, Italy (2012). The 2016 conference is being co-sponsored by the University of Washington, Washington State University, the University at Buffalo, the Northwest Institute for Advanced Computing, and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. The program will include: Keynote lectures: D. A. Baker (UW), E. A. Carter (Princeton U), G. Galli (U Chicago), and G. A. Voth (U Chicago). Plenary lectures: A. Aspuru Guzik (Harvard), J-L. Bredas (KAUST), K. A. Fichthorn (Penn State), J. Gale (Curtin), S. Hammes-Schiffer (Illinois), R. J. Harrison (Stony Brook), B. Mennucci (Pisa), F. Neese (MaxPlanck), M. Neurock (Minnesota), K. M. Rosso (PNNL), G. E. Scuseria (Rice), P.M. Siegbahn (Stockholm), W. Yang (Duke). Invited lectures: C. Adamo (ENSCP Paris), C. M. Aikens (Kansas St), A. Alavi (Cambridge U), J. Autschbach (U Buffalo), P. W. Ayers (McMaster U), V. S. Batista (Yale U), M. Baer (PNNL), V. Barone (U Pisa), E. Besley (U Nottingham), J. Blumberger (UCL), P. Canepa (LBLN), R. Cave (Harvey Mudd), I. Ciofini (ENSCP Paris), G. H. Chen (U Hong Kong), A. E. Clark (WSU), C. Clementi (Rice U), L. Curtiss (ANL), R. Dawes (Missouri), N.A. Deskins (WPI), M. Ehara (IMS), M.L. Doublet (U Montpellier), O. Eisenstein (U Montpellier), C. Filippi (U Twente), M. Frisch (Gaussian Inc), L. Gagliardi (U Minnesota), J. Gao (U Minnesota), Y. Q. Gao (Peking U), M. S. Gordon (Iowa St), N. Govind (PNNL), S. Grimme (U Bonn), N. Guihery (U Toulouse), J. Hachmann (U Buffalo), K. Hermanson (Uppsala U), M. Head-Gordon (UC Berkeley), K. Hirao (RIKEN), C. M. Isborn (UC Merced), D. Jacquemin (U Nantes), E. R. Johnson (Dalhousie U), A. Klamt (COSMOlogic), A. I. Krylov (USC), J-L. Kuo (A Sinica), O. Legeza (Budapest), X. Li (UW), R. Lindh (Uppsala U), W. Liu (Peking U), T. E. Markland (Stanford U), T. J. Martinez (Stanford U), N. Marzari (EPFL), M. Mavrikakis (U Wisconsin), H. Metiu (UCSB), T. F. Miller (Caltech), H. Nakai (Waseda), D. Neuhauser (UCLA), G. Pacchioni (Milan), I. Paci (U Victoria), K. Pernal (U Lodz), K. A. Persson (LBNL), K. Peterson (UW), P. Piecuch (Michigan St.), J. Pittner (Prague), S. Raugei (PNNL), N. Rega (U Naples), Y. M. Rhee (Pohang U), J. J. Rehr (UW), P.N. Roy (U Waterloo), T. Saue (U Toulouse), J. Sauer (Humboldt U), B. Schlegel (Wayne State U), A. Selloni (Princeton U), T. Shiozaki (Northwestern U), Z. Shuai (Tsinghua U), B. Soumik (WSU), M. Sprik (Cambridge U), V. N. Staroverov (U Western Ontario), M. L. Sushko (PNNL), D. G. Truhlar (U Minnesota), E. F. Valeev (Virginia Tech), R. Ramakrishnan (Tata Inst.), X. Xu (Fudan U), T. Yanai (IMS), E. Zurek (U Buffalo), R. Martin (LANL), A. Izmaylov (U. Toronto), W. Y. Kim (KAIST U), K. S. Kim (UNIST), H. Nakai (Waseda U), D. Wei (Shanghai U), M. W. Wong (Singapore), L. M. Yang (Huazhong), F. L. Gu (Guangzhou). TACC2016 will be the fourth conference in a quadrennial series of conferences that have been held in Gyeongju, Korea (2004), Shanghai, China (2008), and in Pavia, Italy (2012). The 2016 conference is being co-sponsored by the University of Washington, the University at Buffalo, Washington State University, the Northwest Institute for Advanced Computing, and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. We hope to see you in Seattle in 2016. The Organizing Committee: Prof. Michel Dupuis (UB, mdupuis2-$ Prof. Aurora E. Clark (WSU, auclark-$ Prof. Xiaosong Li (UW, li-$ Prof. Thom H. Dunning, Jr. (UW and NIAC, thdjr-$ Dr. Karol Kowalski (PNNL, karol.kowalski-$ Prof. Anne B. McCoy (UW, abmccoy-$ THAT E-MAIL ADDRESSES HAVE BEEN MODIFIED!!! All @ signs were changed to -$- to fight spam. 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