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Up Directory CCL 16.09.25 "DYNAPEUTICS" summer school (San Sebastian, Spain)
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri May 27 09:31:02 2016
Subject: 16.09.25 "DYNAPEUTICS" summer school (San Sebastian, Spain)
The tutorial workshop will cover a fundamental aspects of the development of 
computational methods to study biological system. Recent research shows that
molecular dynamics is crucial in biological mechanisms and that new drug 
targets and new therapies can be developed based on its understanding. 
The purpose of this school is to train and give solid foundations and 
understanding of basis of diverse simulation tools of molecules in a 
biological environment. The school is intended to be based on 50% lectures 
and 50% practicals. 

For more details visit or contact to dynapeutics[-]
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Modified: Fri May 27 13:31:03 2016 GMT
Page accessed 3830 times since Fri May 27 11:22:23 2016 GMT

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