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Up Directory CCL 16.09.09 MGMS Big Data in BioMolecular Systems, 9 September 2016, School of Pharmacy, UCL, London
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Jul 8 08:41:02 2016
Subject: 16.09.09 MGMS Big Data in BioMolecular Systems, 9 September 2016, School of Pharmacy, UCL, London
The Big Data in BioMolecular Systems meeting
9 September 2016, School of Pharmacy, UCL, London, UK

Registration is now open!

The conference Big Data in Biomolecular Systems will take place on 
Friday 9th September 2016 at the School of Pharmacy, UCL, London. 
The aim of the conference is to discuss recent progress in managing, 
analysing and storing big data pertaining to biomolecular systems. 
The main topics of the meeting include big data and healthcare, big 
data and biomolecular simulations, functional genomics, biological 
networks, network pharmacology, functional bioinformatics and chemical 
data collections. Please refer to our provisional schedule for more 
details on planned sessions and speakers. Both academic and industrial 
presenters are welcome for talks and posters. 

Registration is now open and the closing date is the 15th August 2016. 
However, as the number of people we can accommodate in the venue is 
limited please make sure you register as soon as possible.

So far the confirmed list of invited speakers is as follows:

Prof. Charlotte Deane, University of Oxford
Dr Jon Fuller, KNIME
Dr Ed Griffen, Medchemica Ltd.
Prof. Charlie Laughton, University of Nottingham & The MuG consortium
Dr Christian Lemmen, BioSolveIT GmbH
Dr Dean Plumbley, Stratified Medical, London
Prof. Natasa Przulj, University College London
Dr Arvind Ramanathan, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Prof. Carlos P. Sosa, University of Minnesota & Mayo Clinic
Dr Bryn Williams-Jones, Open PHACTS Foundation

The Big Data in Biomolecular Systems meeting is organised by the 
Molecular Graphics and Modelling Society (MGMS): 

We look forward to meeting you in September!
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Modified: Fri Jul 8 12:41:02 2016 GMT
Page accessed 4389 times since Fri Jul 8 12:33:58 2016 GMT

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