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CCL 17.04.24 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security IoTBDS 2017 |
From: chemistry-request at To: chemistry-request at Date: Thu Jul 21 05:27:43 2016 Subject: 17.04.24 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security IoTBDS 2017 Venue: Porto, Portugal Event date: 24 - 26 April, 2017 Regular Papers Paper Submission: November 21, 2016 Authors Notification: January 23, 2017 Camera Ready and Registration: February 6, 2017 Position Papers Paper Submission: January 10, 2017 Authors Notification: February 13, 2017 Camera Ready and Registration: February 24, 2017 Workshops Workshop Proposal: January 3, 2017 Paper Submission: January 17, 2017 Authors Notification: February 2, 2017 Camera Ready and Registration: February 16, 2017 Doctoral Consortium Paper Submission: February 17, 2017 Authors Notification: March 3, 2017 Camera Ready and Registration: March 15, 2017 Special Sessions Special Session Proposal: January 19, 2017 Tutorials, Demos and Panels Proposals: February 22, 2017 Open Communications Paper Submission: February 17, 2017 Authors Notification: March 3, 2017 Camera Ready and Registration: March 15, 2017 Scope: Internet of Things (IoT) is a platform and a phenomenon that allows everything to process information, communicate data, analyze context collaboratively and in the service or individuals, organizations and businesses. In the process of doing so, a large amount of data with different formats and content has to be processed efficiently, quickly and intelligently through advanced algorithms, techniques, models and tools. This new paradigm is enabled by the maturity of several different technologies, including the internet, wireless communication, cloud computing, sensors, big data analytics and machine learning algorithms. IoTBDS 2017 will be held in conjunction with COMPLEXIS 2017, CLOSER 2017, SMARTGREENS 2017 and VEHITS 2017. Registration to IoTBDS allows free access to the COMPLEXIS, CLOSER, SMARTGREENS and VEHITS conferences (as a non-speaker). CONFERENCE AREAS Each of these topic areas is expanded below but the sub-topics list is not exhaustive. Papers may address one or more of the listed sub-topics, although authors should not feel limited by them. Unlisted but related sub-topics are also acceptable, provided they fit in one of the following main topic areas: 1. BIG DATA RESEARCH 2. EMERGING SERVICES AND ANALYTICS 3. BIG DATA FOR MULTI-DISCIPLINE SERVICES 4. INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) FUNDAMENTALS 5. INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) APPLICATIONS 6. ITS TECHNOLOGIES 7. SECURITY, PRIVACY AND TRUST AREA 1: BIG DATA RESEARCH - Big Data fundamentals â Services Computing, Techniques, Recommendations and Frameworks - Modeling, Experiments, Sharing Technologies & Platforms - SQL/NoSQL databases, Data Processing Techniques, Visualization and Modern Technologies - Analytics, Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering - Data Center Enabled Technologies - Sensor, Wireless Technologies, APIs - Networking and Social Networks - Data Management for Large Data - Security, Privacy and Risk - Software Frameworks (MapReduce, Spark etc) and Simulations - Modern Architecture - Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity and Value - Social Science and Implications for Big Data AREA 2: EMERGING SERVICES AND ANALYTICS - Health Informatics as a Service (HIaaS) for any Type of Health Informatics, Computation and Services - Big Data as a Service (BDaaS) including Frameworks, Empirical Approaches and Data Processing Techniques - Big Data Algorithm, Methodology, Business Models and Challenges - Security as a Service including any Algorithms, Methodology and Software Proof-of-concepts - Financial Software as a Service (FSaaS) including Risk and Pricing Analysis; Predictive Modeling - Education as a Service (EaaS) including e-Learning and Educational Applications - Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) including Workflows and Supply Chain in IoT and Big Data - Software Engineering Approaches, including Formal Methods, Agile Methods and Theoretical Algorithms for IoT and Big Data - Natural Science as a Service (NSaaS) including Weather Forecasting and Weather Data Visualization - System Design and Architecture - Mobile APIs, Apps, Systems and Prototype - Gaming as a Service (GaaS) - Framework (conceptual, logical or software) - Analytics as a Service (AaaS) for any Types of Analytics - Electronic, Logic, Robotic and Electrical Infrastructure, Platforms and Applications - Energy-saving and Green IT Systems or Applications - Middleware and Agents for IoT and Big Data, Grid and Cluster Computing - Integration as a Service (data; service; business; federated IoT and Big Data) - Scheduling, Service Duplication, Fairness, Load Balance for SaaS and Analytics - Tenant Application Development including Customization, Verification, Simulation, and testing on SaaS and Analytics - IaaS, PaaS and SaaS quality of service (QoS), security, reliability, availability, service bus mechanisms - Social Networks and Analytics - User Evaluations and Case Studies - IaaS, PaaS and SaaS, Big Data and Analytics demonstrations and Research Discussions from Computing Scientists, Business IS Academics and Industrial Consultants - Wireless Systems and Applications - e-Government, e-Commerce, e-Science and Creative Technologies for IoT and Big Data - Data as a Service and Decision as a Service - IoT Services and Applications - New Service Models - Software Engineering for Big Data Analytics - SOA based approaches to IoT BD - Social informatics, challenges and recommendations for IoT - Any emerging services AREA 3: BIG DATA FOR MULTI-DISCIPLINE SERVICES - Smart City and Transportation - Education and Learning - Business, Finance and Management - Large-scale Information Systems and Applications - Energy, Environment and Natural Science Applications - Social Networks Analysis, Media and e-Government - Proofs-of-concepts and Large-scale Experiments - Risk Modeling, Simulation, Legal Challenges - Open data: Issues, Services and Solutions - Earth Science Simulation and Processing - GPUs and Visualization - Case Studies of Real Adoption - Biomedical Experiments and Simulations - Healthcare Services and Health Informatics - Cancer and Tumor Studies with Big Data - DNA Sequencing, Organ Simulations and Processing - Volume, Velocity, Variety and Veracity AREA 4: INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) FUNDAMENTALS - Network Design and Architecture - Software Architecture and Middleware - Mobile Services - Data and Knowledge Management - Context-awareness and Location-awareness - Security, Privacy and Trust - Performance Evaluation and Modeling - Networking and Communication Protocols - Machine to Machine Communications - Intelligent Systems for IoT and Services Computing - Energy Efficiency - Social Implications for IoT - Future of IoT and Big Data AREA 5: INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) APPLICATIONS - Technological focus for Smart Environments - Next Generation Networks - Smart City Examples and Case Studies - Data Analysis and Visualization for Smart City, Green Systems and Transport Systems - Architecture for secure and interactive IoT - Intelligent Infrastructure and Guidance Systems - Traffic Theory, Modeling and Simulation - Sensor Networks, Remote Diagnosis and Development - Transportation Management - Pattern Recognition and Behavioral Investigations for Vehicles, Green Systems and Smart City AREA 6: ITS TECHNOLOGIES - 3D printing - Artificial Intelligence - Biotechnology - Communication - Data Processing - Electronic Technologies for in-vehicle - Internet of Things - Mode-to-Mode Systems - Nanotechnology - Sensors - Transport Safety and Mobility - Vehicle-to-Infrastructure - Vehicle-to-Vehicle AREA 7: SECURITY, PRIVACY AND TRUST - Algorithms, software engineering and development - System design and implementation - Testing (software engineering; penetration; product development) - Encryption (all aspects) - Firewall, access control, identity management - Experiments of using security solutions and proof-of-concepts - Large-scale simulations in the Cloud, Big Data and Internet of Things - Intrusion and detection techniques - Social engineering and ethical hacking: techniques and case studies - Software engineering for security modeling, business process modeling and analytics - Trust and privacy - Location-based privacy - Data security, data recovery, disaster recovery - Adoption challenges and recommendation - Information systems related issues - Conceptual frameworks and models - Emerging issues and recommendations for organizational security - E-Commerce and online banking - Social network analysis, emerging issues in social networks - Education and e-Learning - Surveys and their quantitative analysis - Architecture (technical or organizational) - Case Studies KEYNOTE SPEAKER Francisco Herrera, University of Granada, Spain CONFERENCE CHAIR Victor Chang, IBSS, Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University, China PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS Muthu Ramachandran, Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom VÃctor Méndez Muñoz, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB, Spain Verena Kantere, University of Geneva, Switzerland Gary Wills, University of Southampton, United Kingdom Robert Walters, University of Southampton, United Kingdom SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria Mohammed Atiquzzaman, University of Oklahoma, United States Chung-Sheng Li, IBM, United States PROGRAM COMMITTEE IoTBDS Secretariat Address: Av. D. Manuel I, 27A, 2º esq. 2910-595 Setubal â Portugal Tel: +351 265 520 184 Fax: +351 265 520 186 e-mail: iotbd.secretariat!^! Web: http://www.IoTBD.orgNOTE THAT E-MAIL ADDRESSES HAVE BEEN MODIFIED!!! All @ signs were changed to !^! to fight spam. Before you send e-mail, you need to change !^! to @ For example: change joe!^! to Please let colleagues know about conference listingts at Computational Chemistry List Conference Page at Please help: If you find this conference list useful but you noticed some conference missing, please consider including it here by using the Conference Submission Page. It is free but your support is welcome. You will help others!!! |
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