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Up Directory CCL 16.12.19 Uncertainty Assessment and Benchmark Experiments for Atomic and Molecular Data
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Aug 6 08:07:48 2016
Subject: 16.12.19 Uncertainty Assessment and Benchmark Experiments for Atomic and Molecular Data
The IAEA Technical Meeting on Uncertainty Assessment and Benchmark
Experiments for Atomic and Molecular Data for Fusion Applications will
be held from 19 to 21 December 2016 at IAEA in Vienna, Austria.

The meeting is meant to advance data-oriented research on atomic and
molecular (A+M) processes and properties that are important for plasma
simulations and plasma diagnostics for fusion energy development and
other plasma applications. Leading theoretical and experimental A+M
physicists are invited along with plasma physicists using A+M data to
discuss uncertainty assessments and benchmark experiments for A+M data
for fusion and other plasma applications. The discussion topics include
prioritization of A+M data needs for fusion applications, experimental
methods and systems to benchmark theoretical A+M collision data, target
uncertainties of A+M collision data for fusion applications, uncertainty
quantification methods for theoretical A+M data, and development of a
network of A+M physicists doing benchmark experiments and computations.

Among other things the meeting will identify the most important data
needs for fusion applications, decide what can be done to benchmark
those data, and formulate a plan of action among experimental and
theoretical A+M physicists to carry out this benchmarking and perform
the associated uncertainty assessment. The discussions should lead to
specific proposals for measurements to set new benchmarks for
prioritized data and proposals about suitable theoretical methods to
compute these data.
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Modified: Sat Aug 6 12:07:48 2016 GMT
Page accessed 4827 times since Sat Aug 6 12:07:48 2016 GMT

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