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Up Directory CCL 17.06.26 3rd Glycobiology World Congress June 26-28, 2017 London, UK
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Dec 3 01:30:36 2016
Subject: 17.06.26 3rd Glycobiology World Congress June 26-28, 2017 London, UK
3rd Glycobiology World Congress
Conference Schedule: June 26-28, 2017
Venue: London, United Kingdom

Glycobiology 2017 invites all the participants to join the prestigious 3rd Glycobiology World Congress which
is going to be held during June 26-28, 2017 at London, UK on a theme Glycobiology: Simple construction of sweet glycoprobes. 
Glycobiology-2017 welcomes external scientific associations along with biochemists, researchers, molecular biologists, 
industry experts, academicians, scientists, professors, CEOs, presidents, directors, delegates, 
sponsors and exhibitors from all over the globe to the extraordinary splendid city of London, UK. 

Glycobiology 2017 mainly emphasizes on methods such as Mass spectrometry, proteomics, glyco biomarkers, 
computational approaches, metabolomics and cancer research.
It mainly offers an ideal balance of Business meetings, scientific sessions and networking opportunities. 

For complete details please visit:

Highlights of the conference:

Mass Spectrometry in Proteomics Research
Glycans in Drug Design
Glyco Proteomics
Glyco Bioinformatics
Glyco Immunology
Glyco Biomarkers
Glycoprotein Technologies
Genomics and Metabolomics
Glycobiology and Biotechnology
Glycans in Diseases and Therapeutics
Glycobiology and Structural Biology
Glycans in Genetic Disorders
Glycobiology in Personalized Medicine

Abstract submission link:
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Modified: Sat Dec 3 06:30:36 2016 GMT
Page accessed 4840 times since Sat Dec 3 06:10:51 2016 GMT

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