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Up Directory CCL 17.09.18 NGC 2017 -- Nano and Giga Challenges in Electronics, Photonics and Renewable Energy
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Dec 30 21:58:16 2016
Subject: 17.09.18 NGC 2017 -- Nano and Giga Challenges in Electronics, Photonics and Renewable Energy
Nano and Giga Challenges in Electronics, Photonics and Renewable Energy

Symposium and Summer School (Tutorial Lectures)
Tomsk, Russia, September 18-22, 2017

Conference overview

Energy and information are essential elements for the development of human 
society which are interconnected. Transmission, processing and storage of 
information requires energy consumption, while the efficient use and access 
to new energy sources requires new information (ideas and expertise) and 
the design of novel systems such as photovoltaic devices, fuel cells and 
batteries. Semiconductor physics creates the knowledge base for the 
development of information (computers, cell phones, etc.) and energy 
(photovoltaics) technologies. The exchange of ideas and expertise between 
these two technologies is critical and expands beyond semiconductors.

Efficient use of solar energy requires development of novel energy storage 
devices while biosystems provide new paradigms for the development of 
materials and devices for information (processing and storage) and energy 
(e.g. biofuel and artificial photosynthesis) technologies and biomedical 
applications (sensors and dignostics). Energy transmission through 
the space requires advances in lasers, antennas, wave guides and other 
photonic devices. Progress in information and renewable energy technologies
requires miniaturization of devices and reduction of costs, energy and 
material consumption. Nanotechnology is widely accepted as a source of 
potential solutions in securing future progress for information and energy 

The NGC2017 & CTRP2017 conference in Tomsk, Russia is an interdisciplinary 
forum in education, research and technology innovations in the development 
of new materials, devices and systems invites academic and industrial 
researchers to present tutorial and original research papers dedicated to 
solving scientific and technological problems in the following areas of 
electronics, photonics and renewable energy: atomic scale materials design,
bio- and molecular electronics, high frequency electronics, fabrication 
of nanodevices, magnetic materials and spintronics, materials and processes
for integrated and subwave optoelectronics, nanoCMOS, new materials for 
FETs and other devices, nanoelectronics system architecture, nano optics 
and lasers, non-silicon materials and devices, chemical and biosensors, 
quantum effects in devices, nano science and technology applications in 
development of novel solar energy devices, and fuel cells and batteries. 
We also invite inventors, entrepreneurs and business leaders to explore 
the unique opportunity provided by our interdisciplinary forum for 
technical due diligence and potential commercialization of emerging new 

Hosted by Tomsk State University the NGC2017 & CTRP2017 meeting 
(NGC/CTRP 2017) will be held as a joint event of two conference 
series, Nano & Giga Challenges (Nano & Giga Forum) and Current 
Trends in Radio Physics, and will bring together the networks and 
expertise of both professional forums. The joint conference will be 
held as the 7th meeting for both forums. Nano and Giga forum has been 
established in 2002 and had it 1st and 5th meetings held in Moscow, 
Russia (NGCM2002 and NGC2011), 2nd in Krakow, Poland (NGCM2004), 3rd 
and 6th in Phoenix, USA (NGC2007 and NGC2014), and 4th in Hamilton, 
Canada as a joint meeting with 14th Canadian Semiconductor Technologies 
Conference(NGC/CSTC 2009). CTRP conference series has been established 
in 2005 as an international forum in radio physics hosted by Tomsk State 

NGC/CTRP 2017 conference will include the school (tutorial lectures), 
symposium and satellite workshops. Our conferences have a high impact 
through publication of tutorial books and selected peer reviewed papers 
in reputable international journals. Our meetings are attended by world 
renowned experts and young talents alike. Sponsors and exhibitors are 
welcome and will be supported by the organizers in their needs for 
networking and marketing of their products and organizations.
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