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Up Directory CCL 17.09.03 Summer School: Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy of Transition Metal Complexes, Gelsenkirchen, Germany
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Jan 4 08:41:12 2017
Subject: 17.09.03 Summer School: Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy of Transition Metal Complexes, Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Modern research in transition metal chemistry relies extensively on the use 
of high-level electronic structure theory and advanced spectroscopic methods.
The ability to leverage the combination of molecular theory and spectroscopy 
is essential for driving cutting-edge research in all fields of transition 
metal science, ranging from inorganic chemistry to biochemistry and from 
catalysis to energy research. 
The goal of this summer school is to provide young scientists
with the fundamental knowledge and practical skills to incorporate 
this powerful combination in their own research.
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Modified: Wed Jan 4 13:41:12 2017 GMT
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