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Up Directory CCL 17.11.08 3rd International Conference on Genetic and Protein engineering
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Jan 19 12:10:05 2017
Subject: 17.11.08 3rd International Conference on Genetic and Protein engineering
We are honoured to invite you all to the “3rd International Conference on Genetic and Protein engineering” that is going to be held during November 08-09, 2017 at Las Vegas, USA. Through our theme ‘Protein Engineering: Exploring the patterns of life. The conference will explore the recent advancements and new methodologies about protein and genetic engineering.
The broad subject coverage of the Congress and its size provide an excellent setting for participants to gain valuable insight into progress in research areas beyond their own. In addition, a range of special sessions aim to occupy participants on wider issues, such as teaching in the proteomics research.
Protein Engineering 2017 will have a strong emphasis on support and encouragement for the next generation of scientists, along with early-career researchers, a Young Researchers Forum, and activities to encourage interaction with peers and experts.
Altogether the Conference aims to be a classic cross-discipline gathering in the protein and genetic engineering field for research presentation, discussion, learning, inspiration and encouragement with participants leaving with new research knowledge and thoughts, and perhaps the beginnings of international collaborations and associations.
Conference Session:
Protein Engineering
Genetic Engineering
Enzyme Engineering
Protein Therapeutics & Market Analysis
Molecular Modelling and Drug Designing
Cancer Genome Biology
Protein Engineered Biomaterials
Applications of Genetic and Protein Engineering
Regenerative Medicine
Transcriptome analysis & Gene Expression
Antibody Engineering
Pharmacogenomics & Pharmacoproteomics
Recombinant Protein Expression
Mass Spectrometry in Proteome Research
Protein Purification
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Modified: Thu Jan 19 17:10:05 2017 GMT
Page accessed 4059 times since Thu Jan 19 17:05:52 2017 GMT

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