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Up Directory CCL 17.11.27 Annual World Congress on Biomarkers & Clinical Research November 27-28, 2017 Atlanta, USA
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Jan 27 04:47:14 2017
Subject: 17.11.27 Annual World Congress on Biomarkers & Clinical Research November 27-28, 2017 Atlanta, USA
PULSUS brings in a new spin on conferences by presenting the latest 
scientific improvements in Biomarkers and its clinical researches. 
Listen to motivating keynotes from thought leaders, pioneers across the 
globe. Atlanta is all set for an amazing event as PULSUS proudly presents 
the “Annual World Congress on Biomarkers & Clinical Research” on 
November 27-28, 2017. PULSUS cordially welcome researchers, academicians, 
students and business professionals in the field of BIOMARKERS from around 
the world to participate in the upcoming BIOMARKERS CONGRESS 2017. The 
meeting for this year will revolve around the theme “Explore the latest 
Biomarkers development in health and clinical research” thus relaying the 
most cutting edge findings in the field of Biomarkers Research.

Pulsus Group is an internationally renowned medical peer-review publisher
 and conferences organizer established in the year 1984 publishes and hosts
 the work of researchers in a manner that exemplifies the highest standards
 in research integrity. With a legacy of 30 years of excellence in Medical
 Publishing we are endorsed by various societies like International Academy
 of Cardiovascular Sciences, International Society of Addiction Medicine, 
European Biotechnology Thematic Network Association, World Federation of 
Paediatrics Intensive and Critical Care Societies, World Association of 
Medical Sciences, International Society for Ceramics in Medicine, 
Thalassaemia International Federation and World Association of Integrated 
Medicine to nurture the research and development for the beneficence of 
society.  Since many years Pulsus has also been very instrumental to 
provide an invaluable channel for scientists and researchers to exchange 
ideas and research by creating a forum for discussing the possibilities 
of future collaborations between universities, institutions, research 
bodies and organizations from different countries through international 
conferences and meetings. 

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Modified: Fri Jan 27 09:47:15 2017 GMT
Page accessed 4129 times since Fri Jan 27 09:47:15 2017 GMT

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