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Up Directory CCL 17.05.18 From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology (CBSB2017)
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Feb 16 12:06:34 2017
Subject: 17.05.18 From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology (CBSB2017)
We invite you to participate in the upcoming workshop on biological physics   
and systems biology entitled 

"From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology 2017 (CBSB2017)” 

which will take place at the University of Cincinnati in Cincinnati, OH, USA
on May 18-20, 2017.

*        There are opportunities for oral presentations, and                   *
*        students/postdocs are eligible for travel fellowships.                *
*        More details can be found below or at                                 *                                                                              *
*                                 *

CBSB2017 is organized in conjunction with  University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and the  University of Oklahoma, and will continue a series of successful workshops that have been held since 2006 in both Europe and the USA.

As in previous years, the workshop aims to bring together expertise from physics, 
biology, and computer science to discuss current trends in computational 
biophysics and systems biology. Topics of CBSB2016 will include folding and 
aggregation, protein-protein complexes, supra-molecular assemblies, cellular 
environments and interaction networks.  

Keynote Speakers will be:

* Ivet Bahar (U. Pittsburgh)
* Teresa Head-Gordon (UC Berkeley)

A list of confirmed invited speakers includes:     

* Nathan Baker (Pacific Northwest Natl Lab)
* Ed O'Brien (Penn State Univ)
* Markus Buehler (MIT)
* Yiqin Gao (Beijing University)
* Angel Garcia (Los Alamos Natl Lab)
* Toshiko Ichiye (Georgetown Univ)
* Andrzej Kloczkowski (Nationwide Children's Hospital)
* Raphael Kopan (Cincinnati Children's Hospital)
* Oliver Lichtarge (Baylor College of Medicine)
* Avi Maayan (Mount Sinai)
* Karissa Sanbonmatsu (Los Alamos Natl Lab)
* Stephan Schürer (U Miami)
* Harinder Singh (Cincinnati Children's Hospital)

We especially encourage participation by students and postdocs, and we expect 
to offer financial support for selected students and postdocs on a competitive 
basis. Five junior scientists (students and  postdocs) will be selected to 
receive a 

        "CBSB2017 Young Researcher Award"

which we expect to include a $300 travel fellowship and the opportunity to 
give a featured oral presentation.  Awardees will also be exempt from the 
registration fee.  Contingent on availability of funds,  additional 
junior scientists may receive travel awards  and free 

Note that oral presentation slots (Contributed Talks) are reserved primarily 
to students, postdocs and other researchers at an early stage of their career,
and will be assigned on a competitive basis. In addition, research can be
 presented in poster form. 

The registration deadline is April 15 to be considered for an oral or poster 
presentation. Acceptance letters and notifications of  fellowship awards 
will be sent out by April 22, 2017.

The registration fee is  $100 for registrations before 15 April 2017 if the 
abstract has been accepted for a poster or an oral presentation, otherwise 
it is $150. The registration fee has to be paid on site.  

Please circulate this announcement among your colleagues, students, and 
postdocs; and contact us with any questions you might have by sending 
email  to  cbsb17[*]

With best regards,

Ruxandra Dima
Ulrich Hansmann
Jarek Meller
George Stan
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Modified: Thu Feb 16 17:06:34 2017 GMT
Page accessed 5123 times since Thu Feb 16 17:06:35 2017 GMT

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