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Up Directory CCL 17.05.16 Nanomaterials symposium, Manchester, UK
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Feb 24 09:44:23 2017
Subject: 17.05.16 Nanomaterials symposium, Manchester, UK

NanoMaterMan presents a symposium at the University of Manchester
on 16th of May, primarily aimed at PhD students and
post-doctoral researchers.

Oral abstracts are accepted from until 31st March.

The event is a free one day symposium entitled:
    "Nanomaterials: from theory to application"

The conference focus will include:

  *   nanomaterials
  *   colloids and interface science
  *   self-assembly
  *   bio-materials
  *   theory and simulation of materials

Alongside plenary talks from:
     Natalia Martsinovich (University of Sheffield)
 and Alex Ivanov (Imerial College)
 abstract submission is now open for oral and poster presentations.
 There are some travel bursaries available for selected speakers.

For more information please details on the website:
Twitter: ,+,nanomaterman
e-mail:  nanomaterman,+,
All @ signs were changed to ,+, to fight spam. Before you send e-mail, you need to change ,+, to @
For example: change joe,+, to
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Modified: Fri Feb 24 14:44:23 2017 GMT
Page accessed 4200 times since Fri Feb 24 14:43:14 2017 GMT

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