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Up Directory CCL 17.08.23 Coding Solvation Workshop, Livorno, Italy
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Mar 9 12:40:57 2017
Subject: 17.08.23 Coding Solvation Workshop, Livorno, Italy
Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to announce the Coding Solvation Workshop which will be
held from 23rd to the 25th of August 2017 (arrival on the 22nd and
departure on the 26th), and will take place at Hotel Universal
( in Livorno, Italy.

The workshop will address the challenge of developing maintainable,
modular, modern, and scalable software dedicated to the modeling of
environmental effects in Computational Molecular Sciences.

Invited speakers:
Claudia Filippi (University of Twente, Netherlands)
Sebastian Hoefener (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
Harald Oberhofer (Technical University of Munich, Germany)
Giovanni Scalmani (Gaussian Inc., USA)
Lyudmila Slipchenko (Purdue University, USA)
Benjamin Stamm (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)

Registration and abstract submission is now open at

The workshop is sponsored by the Molecular Sciences Software Institute
( and is a satellite meeting to WATOC 2017

We sincerely hope that you will join us in Livorno in August!

Best wishes,
the organizing committee

Oliviero Andreussi
Marco Caricato
Roberto Di Remigio
Luca Frediani
Heather Kulik
Filippo Lipparini
Benedetta Mennucci
Jogvan Magnus Olsen
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Modified: Thu Mar 9 17:40:57 2017 GMT
Page accessed 4661 times since Thu Mar 9 17:38:11 2017 GMT

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