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Up Directory CCL 17.11.05 13th German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Mainz, Germany
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Mar 29 15:36:48 2017
Subject: 17.11.05 13th German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Mainz, Germany
The divison Chemistry-Information-Computer (CIC) 
of the German Chemical Society cordially invites you to participate 
in the 13th German Conference on Chemoinformatics.

The conference will take place
November, 05. - 07., 2017
in Mainz, Germany.

The aim of the conference is to reflect and highlight the new role of chem-
informatics in the modern information world. It will span a wide range of
subjects related to the use of computers in chemistry, pharmacy, materials
science and biology from chem- and bioinformatics to explicit modelling 
and from industrial applications to fundamental academic research.

Confirmed Speakers:
* Evan Bolton         NCBI, USA    
* David Case          Rutgers University, USA 
* Bettina Keller      FU Berlin, Germany    
* Frank Kertscher     IBM Watson, Germany   
* Nadine Schneider    Novartis, Switzerland    
* Walter Thiel        MPI Muelheim, Germany       
* Joerg K. Wegener    Janssen Pharmaceutica, Belgium

There will be sessions on:
* Big Data and Deep Learning           * Molecular Modelling
* Chemical Information                 * Protein Modelling
* Chemoinformatics and Drug Discovery  * Simulations
* Databases and Data Handling          * Structure Determination
* Material Sciences                    * Target and ADMETox prediction

The scientific programme will include plenary and contributed lectures, 
posters and software presentations. The deadline for submissions of oral 
contributions and research telegrams is May 31, 2017. The deadline for 
poster submissions is August 30, 2017.

See more details at 

Registration will open in May 2017 at:

Hope to see you in Mainz,

The organizers.
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Modified: Wed Mar 29 19:36:48 2017 GMT
Page accessed 5283 times since Wed Mar 29 19:35:38 2017 GMT

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