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Up Directory CCL 17.08.20 2017 Martini Coarse-Graining Workshop
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Apr 10 12:22:57 2017
Subject: 17.08.20 2017 Martini Coarse-Graining Workshop
Are you impressed by the interesting science done by using the
Martini coarse-grained model, and do you want to hear from the
developers about the philosophy, background, current, and future
developments of Martini? Moreover, do you want to practice
coarse-graining skills under the guidance of Martini experts?
The Martini summer school is the place for you!

Where: University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands:

When: August 20-25, 2017. The workshop starts Sunday, August 20,
20:00 hours and finishes Friday, August 25, 13:00 hours.

What: Lectures discussing background, philosophy, and theory of
coarse-graining in general and the Martini coarse-grained model
in particular. Hands-on sessions experiencing aspects of the
model yourself, getting practical experience with running,
setting-up, and developing new or refined Martini models.
Experienced users are available for guidance and discussion.

Who: Anyone interested. However, we assume you to have a working
knowledge of the Linux operating system and some experience in
running MD simulations. The idea is to let everyone work and
progress at their own level, from beginner to experienced
modeler. However, you will get more out of the workshop if you
invest time in some modeling tools before the workshop. All
hands-on exercises use GROMACS, version 5. If you do not have
experience with GROMACS, get some practice before the workshop.
That will liberate time to spend on learning coarse-graining
instead of on learning GROMACS.

Costs: 200 Euro registration fee. For this money, you get
coffee/tea during breaks (but no lunches), drinks and snacks
during the poster session, a workshop dinner, printed material,
and expert input during lectures and hands-on sessions. Travel
and accommodation are your own responsibility. We have arranged
special offers if you book your hotel early:
and The hotel room will cost you at
least € 50 per night (room shared by 2 persons,
no breakfast, incl. tourist tax).

Application Procedure: By sending the COMPLETED application form
by email to The number of participants
is limited to 40 and you will be admitted on a
first-come-first-serve basis. So do not wait too long to apply!
However, we might limit the number of participants from the same
lab. Upon acceptance you will receive an invitation letter
including payment details, and are guaranteed a place if the
registration fee is paid before the advertised deadline.
Application CLOSES April 17th, 2017, or earlier when full.

Correspondence: All queries/questions/remarks should be sent by
email to
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Modified: Tue Apr 11 13:29:01 2017 GMT
Page accessed 4332 times since Mon Apr 10 16:22:58 2017 GMT

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