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Up Directory CCL 17.07.05 3rd Kazan Summer School on Chemoinformatics, 5-7 July, 2017, in Kazan, Russia
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Apr 12 09:38:48 2017
Subject: 17.07.05 3rd Kazan Summer School on Chemoinformatics, 5-7 July, 2017, in Kazan, Russia
Dear Colleagues! We are pleased invite you to the Third Kazan Summer 
School on Chemoinformatics (KSSCI2017) ( 
that will take place in Kazan, Russia, from 5th to 7th July 2017.

Every 2 years, Kazan Summer School on Chemoinformatics welcomes young
scientists from all over the world for learning basics of 
chemoinformatics and related disciplines, having tutorials on “gold 
standard” software, and discussing the scientific and industrial 

The Chemoinformatics is a new and highly demanded multidisciplinary 
domain of modern chemistry, that is on the intersection of chemistry, 
biology, mathematics and informatics. The main aims of this domain are 
storing and management of chemical information and its applying to 
create compounds, reactions and materials having desired features.

Chemoinformatics is widely used to create new drugs for medical and 
veterinary purposes, as well as innovative materials, catalysts, 
reagents for chemical industry. Despite the large potential demand for
specialists in Chemoinformatics, educational programs of this 
discipline in Russia are not yet quite developed. In 2012 in Kazan 
Federal University (KFU) the Master program of Chemoinformaitcs has 
been opened, which has now become the third active educational program 
of Chemoinformatics in the world. In Russia, similar programs were 
recently opened in ITMO University (Saint-Peterburg) and Moscow 
Institute of Physics and Technology (Moscow).

KSSCI2017 aimed to create the conditions for training specialists of 
Chemoinformatics in Russia, as well as to create educational and 
scientific environment for scientists, pharmaceutical and chemical 
industry representatives, IT specialists and software developers.

Important dates

1.01.2017-20.04.2017 - registration

1.01.2017-20.04.2017 - abstract submission

Registration fee - till 01.06.2017

5.07.2017-7.07.2017 - conference days

The main topics of the School are:

*Basics of chemoinformatics and QSAR approaches,
*Sources of chemical information, its storage and retrieval,
*SAR/QSAR/QSPR modeling,
*Structure-based drug design.

Program of the event includes:

*Lectures of world-leaders in chemoinformatics
*Plenary presentations on cutting-edge approaches
*Oral reports about personal achievements of young participants
*Poster session
Follow updates of the program on the page


The event has been held in A.M. Butlerov Institute of Chemistry, 
Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia.


English is official language of the event.

Contact Information:

Scientific Secretary
Dr. Timur I. Madzhidov (Kazan Federal University, Russia)
E-mail: timur.madzhidov[*]
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Modified: Wed Apr 12 13:38:49 2017 GMT
Page accessed 4419 times since Wed Apr 12 13:35:28 2017 GMT

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