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Up Directory CCL 18.04.16 9th World Congress on Bioavailability and Bioequivalence
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Tue Nov 28 04:30:07 2017
Subject: 18.04.16 9th World Congress on Bioavailability and Bioequivalence
BABE 2018 provides the global platform to the people belong to the pharmaceutical field. This is a great opportunity to the scientists from industry, universities and other research and governmental institutes, and trainees to meet and interact with the experts in the field.
The topics of the Congress will reflect the current and future trends in pharma field. The Congress will cover a cover a broad spectrum of pharmaceutical topics which includes biovailability, bioequivalence,drug design, drug safety, pharmacokinetic modelling, BA/BE Studies, Bioequivalence Study Design, drug toxicity and so on. The session includes keynotes, workshops, oral presentations and parallel posters considering and showcasing the current research.
Conference Highlights
Bioavailability and Bioequivalence
Bioavailability Studies and Assessment
Bioequivalence Studies and Assessment 
Drug Design and development: Challenges
Drug Metabolism
Pharmacology- PK & PD approach
Pharmaceutical Formulations
Clinical Research Vs Clinical Trails
BCS & IVIVC Based Biowaivers
Biosimilars: Recent approches
Drug Safety: Pharmacovigilance Scope
Contract Research Organizations
Regulatory Requirements and Approaches
Pharmaceutical Industry: Entrepreneur Meet
BA/BE Perspectives for Drug Products
On behalf of the Organizing Committee we invite you to join us at April 16-18, 2018 Dubai, UAE, where your presence will be a key addition to enrich the meeting and set its standards high. To accomplish the same, submit your valuable research abstract to us for our Speaker Sessions and do register to the conference by following the link

Looking forward to see you in Dubai
Sincerely Yours
Program Manager
BABE 2018
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Modified: Tue Nov 28 09:30:07 2017 GMT
Page accessed 4026 times since Tue Nov 28 09:29:15 2017 GMT

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