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Up Directory CCL 18.07.12 Chemistry Conferences | Organic Chemistry Conferences | Inorganic Chemistry Conferences
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Dec 1 04:05:31 2017
Subject: 18.07.12 Chemistry Conferences | Organic Chemistry Conferences | Inorganic Chemistry Conferences
Organic Chemistry Conference is glad to welcome all the participants, Eminent leaders of chemistry, Professors, researchers, delegates, Students, business experts and officials from everywhere throughout the globe at "5th International Conference on Organic and Inorganic Chemistry" schedule on July 12-13, 2018 at Paris, France, which include keynote sessions, oral talks, publication showcases, Exhibition and Workshops.
Organic Chemistry 2018 is an worldwide platform to debate and learn about new compounds and its structures, bonding, Organic chemical engineering, organometallic chemistry, organic chemical science, biogeochemistry, Regio-chemistry, petroleum chemical science, bioorganic and medicinal chemistry, advancements in the fields of modern experimental chemistry, modern analytical chemistry, modern theoretical organic chemistry, Inorganic chemistry of materials and Bio-Inorganic Catalysis, Organic Photochemistry, Organic electronics, Coordination Chemistry and Organometallic chemistry, Chemo-selectivity, green chemistry, Organic chemistry of life, spectroscopy, Industrial Inorganic Chemistry, Natural products and heterocyclic chemistry, new synthetic ways and advances in catalysis.
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Modified: Fri Dec 1 09:05:32 2017 GMT
Page accessed 3668 times since Fri Dec 1 09:05:32 2017 GMT

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