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Up Directory CCL 18.03.26 Cancer Conferences, Oncology Conferences, Pharmacology Conferences
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Dec 6 03:16:50 2017
Subject: 18.03.26 Cancer Conferences, Oncology Conferences, Pharmacology Conferences
Oncology Conferences | Cancer Conferences | Pharmacology Conferences | 2018 Conferences 
“23rd International Conference on Cancer Research and pharmacology” is a hallmark in the era of cancer conferences with its eminent speakers and notable organizing committee members. The realization of cancer therapeutics with less of an effect on normal tissues and life of cancer patients is our goal. This goal is still far from being realized, and novel approaches are progressing. This conference will focus on current advances in cancer research and pharmacology aiming to the goal.
The realization of cancer therapeutics with less of an effect on normal tissues and life of cancer patients is our goal. This goal is still far from being realized, and novel approaches are progressing. This conference will focus on current advances in cancer research and pharmacology aiming to the goal.
 “Cancer Research 2018” will enlighten the public with recent advances in Cancer diagnosis, Cancer therapy and Pharmacology around the world and to sharpen the related ideas about Cancer Research. Moreover Cancer Research 2018 provides you a great networking with peers. World-renowned speakers, the most recent techniques, and the newest updates in cancer research fields are the trademark of this conference. Cancer conferences, symposiums and Workshops provide a dedicated forum for the advancement, execution and exchange of information about Oncology and Cancer.
"Cancer Research 2018" is designed in such a way that it covers all the aspects of Oncology and Pharmacology. It is also aimed at addressing the Current challenges and discussing the future prospects of these topics.
The congress will welcome oncologists, physicians, oncological pharmacists, industry professionals, diagnostic laboratory professionals, postdoctoral fellows, and undergraduate & postgraduate students in these fields and organizing committee members hope exciting presentations and discussions on the progress of cancer therapy and novel tools to combat against cancers, which may improve life of cancer patients.
Who should attend?
Oncologists, Pharmacologists, Pharma Practitioners, Radiologists, Chemo therapists, Physicians, Academicians, Academic scientists, Industry professionals, Diagnostic laboratory professionals, Undergraduate & Postgraduate students, researchers, business professionals, Postdoctoral fellows and Trainees, Cancer Diagnostics Associations and Societies.
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Modified: Wed Dec 6 08:16:51 2017 GMT
Page accessed 3590 times since Wed Dec 6 08:16:51 2017 GMT

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