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Up Directory CCL 18.10.15 6th Global Summit on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks, Conference, Helsinki, Finland
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Jan 24 01:46:53 2018
Subject: 18.10.15 6th Global Summit on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks, Conference, Helsinki, Finland
Neural Networks 2018 welcomes you to the 6th Global Summit on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks to be held at Helsinki, Finland during October 15-16, 2018. This International Neural Networks conference will bring together researchers, Professionals, professors, scientists, Developers & newbies to discuss strategies for AI & NN globally. Neural Networks 2018 is designed to provide divergent and prevailing education that will gather professionals familiar to the researches, issues, discoveries and technologies. Undoubtedly the participant at this Neural Networks Conference will be able to exchange knowledge with the best experts on the globe and will return home with extensive knowledge.
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Modified: Wed Jan 24 06:46:53 2018 GMT
Page accessed 4274 times since Wed Jan 24 06:46:54 2018 GMT

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