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Up Directory CCL 18.06.10 Summer School on Smart Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery, Anacapri, Italy
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Tue Mar 13 12:54:43 2018
Subject: 18.06.10 Summer School on Smart Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery, Anacapri, Italy
Summer School on Smart Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery (S3ND2) will be organized on June 10-15th 2018 
in the island of Capri (Anacapri (NA), Italy) by the Consortium VAHVISTUS of the EU-project 
H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016 No 734759. The School will take place at the Conference Centre of the 
National Research Council of Italy in Anacapri (NA). The Organizing and Scientific Committees 
are pleased to invite the scientific community to participate the S3ND2. Nanomaterials and 
related technologies led to qualitative changes in various areas of human activity. Particularly, 
smart nano-scaled particles can provide a quantum advance in different fields of medicine, 
whether we speak about diagnostics or therapy. The Summer School will be focused on 
Smart Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery. In fact, the advances in nanotechnology not only give rise to 
novel drugs, but also reformulate the already known ones to increase their efficacy, improve delivery, 
and lower side effects. In this summer school, invited professors from several European countries 
will provide an overview of the existing nano- and micro-technologies in drug delivery and those 
under development. The courses with cover the innovative smart nanomaterials and smart polymers for 
drug delivery, new drug delivery approaches, encapsulation technologies, techniques for 
characterization of nanomaterials, etc.

Contact: Dr. Emilia Di Pace;     Email: Emilia.DiPace(a)

Topics: nanomaterials, nanoparticles, drug delivery, polymers

Event website:
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Modified: Tue Mar 13 16:54:43 2018 GMT
Page accessed 3785 times since Tue Mar 13 16:44:53 2018 GMT

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