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Up Directory CCL 18.06.21 The Cresset User Group Meeting 2018, June 21-22, Cambridge, UK
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Mar 14 11:03:58 2018
Subject: 18.06.21 The Cresset User Group Meeting 2018, June 21-22, Cambridge, UK
The Cresset User Group Meeting is your opportunity to meet Cresset
customers, partners and staff, to share ideas and hear about our latest
software developments, and participate in hands-on software workshops.

June 21: Scientific program

We welcome speakers from four continents to Cambridge to present during the
scientific program on topics including: 

- Acceleration of Drug Discovery Through the Judicious Application of
  Enabling Chemistry Technology (Keynote lecture)

- Exploring the potential of indirect inhibition of GTPase driven
  oncogenesis viaICMT inhibition
- Identifying pharmaceutical molecules with a chemotyping approach

- Pushing the boundaries of computational binding free energy prediction

- Indole Regulation of Cytoplasmic pH makes E. coli more resilient to
  Antibiotic Stress

- Sneak peek at next generation collaborative 3D design

- Real time 3D design in 2D!

- Customizing and scripting in Flare 2.0: Introducing the new API

- What's new in Cresset's ligand-based applications

June 22: Workshops

Places at workshops for computational, medicinal and synthetic chemists are
limited so early registration is encouraged. 
- Introduction to Flare for computational chemists
- Introduction to Flare for medicinal and synthetic chemists
- Python in Flare
- Advanced Spark
- 3D-QSAR in Forge
- Forge SAR
- Library design with Cresset nodes in KNIME

Find out more and register:
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Modified: Wed Mar 14 15:23:57 2018 GMT
Page accessed 3631 times since Wed Mar 14 15:01:03 2018 GMT

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