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Up Directory CCL 18.10.17 Quantum International Frontiers 2018, Changsha, Hunan Province, P.R. China
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sun Mar 25 04:59:30 2018
Subject: 18.10.17 Quantum International Frontiers 2018, Changsha, Hunan Province, P.R. China
######## Quantum International Frontiers 2018 ########
########          October 17-21,2018          ########
######## Changsha, Hunan Province, P.R. China ########


Quantum International Frontiers 2018 will include sessions on:

*    Quantum Modelling for Energy Conversion and Storage
*    Relativistic Effects for Quantum Chemistry
*    Spectroscopy, Molecular Structure and Dynamics
*    Plasmas and Particles in Chemistry and Physics
*    Catalysis, Reactive Collisions and Chemical Reactions
*    Surfaces and Interfaces of Complexes and Clusters
*    Molecular and Nano-materials for Electronics
*    Quantum Effects and Applications
*    Atoms and Molecules in Strong Fields
*    Developments in Theoretical Concepts in Quantum Chemistry

Traditional and non-traditional lecture formats will be implemented in 
this conference (details below).

Current list of lecturers and lecture titles
(check the website frequently for updates!)

* Standard lecture: 30 minutes (25 minutes talk, 5 minutes for questions)

    # Lucas Visscher: Implementation and Applications of Relativistic 
                      Coupled Cluster Theory.

* Pedagogical lecture: 45 minutes: The lecture material (PPTs, PDF) must 
  be at a level suitable for final year undergraduate students and the 
  audience may interrupt the speakers. There should be no jargon or 
  unexplained acronyms. Limited numbers of slots available.

    # Martin Quack: Fundamental Symmetries and their Violations in 
                    Molecular Quantum Physics.
    # Debashis Mukherjee: to be decided.
    # Marco Nascimento: The Consequences of Neglecting Permutation 
                        Symmetry in the Description of Many-Electron
    # Erkki Brandas: Complex Scaling Method - Interpretations, Theory
                     and Results.

* Frontier lecture: 60 minutes: 30 minutes invited talk immediately 
  followed by 30 minutes of audience discussion. The lecture material 
  should be of a pedagogic level and submitted by August 1st 2018 for 
  distribution to the Q.I. Frontiers audience. Limited numbers of slots 

    # Paul Ayers: New Flexible Wavefunction Forms for Quantum Chemistry
                  and Physics.
    # Akitomo Tachibana: Quantum Mechanics: 100 Years of Mystery Solved!
    # Piotr Piecuch: New Paradigm in Quantum Chemistry: Accurate 
                     Electronic Energies by a Combination of Stochastic
                     Wave Function Sampling and Deterministic 
                     Coupled-Cluster Computations.
    # Xiong-Jun Liu: Dynamical Classification of Topological 
                     Quantum Phases.

Important Deadlines

    Deadline 1: 2018/04/30 Early bird registration - see website.
    Deadline 2: 2018/08/01 Late registration - see website.

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Modified: Sun Mar 25 08:59:30 2018 GMT
Page accessed 3896 times since Sun Mar 25 08:09:07 2018 GMT

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