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Up Directory CCL 18.05.28 Computational Chemistry Days 2018, Helsinki, Finland
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Apr 6 07:58:59 2018
Subject: 18.05.28 Computational Chemistry Days 2018, Helsinki, Finland
The Computational Chemistry Days have a long, successful history of bringing
scientists together to initiate collaboration and share inspiring ideas.
This year, the Days are organised in Helsinki, on 28-29 May 2018.
Your are warmly welcome to spend two days filled with inspirational talks
and good company in the beautiful summery Helsinki.

The emphasis of this year's meeting is computational method development,
including machine-learning techniques. We have four outstanding international
plenary speakers representing this year's themes. In addition, a number of
high-impact national speakers present their work. The poster session, long
coffee breaks, and evening programme offer a magnificent setting for
networking with fellow scientists, senior and junior alike.

For more information, visit


Mikael Johansson, on behalf of all the CCD18 organisers
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Modified: Fri Apr 6 11:58:59 2018 GMT
Page accessed 3881 times since Fri Apr 6 11:57:36 2018 GMT

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