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Up Directory CCL 18.10.26 International Computational Science Congress, Amasya University, Turkey. October 26-28, 2018
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Aug 29 15:21:03 2018
Subject: 18.10.26 International Computational Science Congress, Amasya University, Turkey. October 26-28, 2018
Dear colleagues,

We would like to invite you and encourage your students, postdoctoral fellows and colleagues to participate in the International Computational Science Congress (CSC)
to be held in Amasya (Turkey), October 26-28, 2018.

This CSC meeting will gather plenary lectures by ten distinguished invited speakers. It will also provide the opportunity to all members of our community, 
researchers and students, to present and discuss their work through several poster sessions. Contributions in all areas of computational sciences, such as
	Applied Mathematics, 
	Mathematical Physics, 
	Computational Physics, 
	Physical Chemistry, 
	Computational Chemistry, 
	Theoretical Chemistry, 
	Molecular Spectroscopy, 
	Molecular Modeling
are welcomed.

Students will have excellent opportunity to participate in poster competition with monetary prizes for the three best posters.

Important Dates:
Early registration and abstract submission is open until October 15, 2018.

Confirmed list of invited speakers:
Jamal Khatib, University of Wolverhampton, England
Jun Yasui, Canon&Riken, Japan
Katharina Boguslawski, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland
Maria Belen Ruiz, University of Erlangen, Germany
Monika Musial, University of Silesia, Poland
Rui Fausto, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Shadia Ikhmayies, Al Isra University, Jordan
Sakir Erkoc, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Yasemin Oztekin Ciftci, Gazi University, Turkey

All details about registration, abstracts and housing may be found at

Please also feel free to forward this invitation to any potentially interested colleagues. We look forward to seeing you in Amasya (Turkey) in October.

Prof. Dr. Telhat OZDOGAN 
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Modified: Wed Aug 29 19:21:04 2018 GMT
Page accessed 3379 times since Wed Aug 29 19:13:36 2018 GMT

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