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Up Directory CCL 19.05.20 21st Annual European Pharma Congress during May 20-21, 2019 at Zurich, Switzerland
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Oct 22 09:09:39 2018
Subject: 19.05.20 21st Annual European Pharma Congress during May 20-21, 2019 at Zurich, Switzerland
         21st Annual European Pharma Congress 
Theme: Advancing the future of Pharma
Home | Conference Brochure | Submit Abstract | Scientific Sessions

Conference series takes pleasure in inviting the scientific community across the globe to attend the 21st Annual European Pharma Congress during May 20-22, 2019 at Zurich, Switzerland with a motto to Advancing the future of Pharma.

The gathering will address Pharmaceutical Research in the area of Pharmaceutical manufacturing, while laying emphasis on innovative methodologies in pharmaceutical and food manufacturing. Pharma Europe 2019 will be the best venue for Research Associate, Research Scientist, Directors, CEO’s of Pharmaceutical Organizations, Supply Chain companies, Bio-informatics Professionals,  Noble laureates in Health Care and Medicine, Quality Assurance Specialist, Market research Analyst, Associate Product Manager, Product Manager, Strategy Director, Business Development Manager, Pharmacists, Deans, Students, Professors, Researchers, and Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences from Universities and Medical Colleges.
Previous Speakers:
Solomon Habtemariam, University of Greenwich, UK; Anna Szemik-Hojniak, University of Wroclaw & University of Applied Sciences-Walbrzych, Poland; Bimal Roy Krishna, Touro University, USA; Kell Cannon, 3D Communications, LLC, USA; Peter Embley, Voisin Consulting Life Sciences, UK; Sergey Suchkov, I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Russia; Leszek Paczek, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland; Ladislav Novotny, Kuwait University, Kuwait; Masaki Otagiri, Sojo University, Japan; Eriona Petro, Regional Directory of Health, Albania.

Pharma Europe 2019 Conference will encourage Young Researcher’s Forum, scientists and the researchers in their early stage of career graph to widely discuss their outcome so as to enrich and develop the idea. The ‘Best Poster Award’ is meant to encourage students in taking active part in the International Science platform to sharpen their skills and knowledgebase.

The important tracks that are part of Pharma Europe 2019 includes Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Pharmacological Sciences,  Drugs and Regulations, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Types of Pharmaceutical Formulations, Nanotechnology, Novel Drug Delivery Systems, Pre-formulation Studies, Bio-Pharmaceutics, Bioinformatics, Genetics & Genetic Engineering, Pharmaceutical Packaging, Radiopharmaceuticals, Pharma Companies, Hospital Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy, Ethics in Pharmacy, Pharma Consulting & Services

Pharma Europe 2019 is comprised of 17 tracks and 90 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issue. For more scientific sessions and abstract submission, please visit: 

The Abstracts that are accepted for presentations are published in the proceedings of the Journals like Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs: Open Access, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Journal of Pharmaceutics & Drug Delivery Research.

Grab the opportunity to participate by registering through flowing link: 

For further details, please contact:
Catherine Shaw | Program Manager
Pharma Europe 2019
47 Churchfield Road
London, W3 6AY, UK
Phone: +448000148923 
Fax: +442030041517
E: pharmaeurope^^^
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Modified: Mon Oct 22 13:09:40 2018 GMT
Page accessed 3729 times since Mon Oct 22 13:09:11 2018 GMT

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