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Up Directory CCL 19.09.01 Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry VIII, Krakow, Poland
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Dec 24 08:50:21 2018
Subject: 19.09.01 Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry VIII, Krakow, Poland
Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to Krakow, one of the most recognizable 
cities in Poland and a top tourist attraction in Europe, for the 
Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry VIII (CTTC VIII) conference 
that will take place from September 1st to 5th, 2019.

Started in the 1980s, the Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry 
conference aims to bring together the leading experts in many aspects 
of theoretical chemistry, such as method developments and/or 
applications, and provide an international forum for participants 
to present and discuss their newest achievements. The scientific 
schedule will consist of invited talks, keynote talks, contributed 
talks, and a poster session, and will include, among others, the 
following topics:
- Electron Correlation 
- Density Functional Theory (DFT) 
- Time-dependent DFT 
- Low order scaling SCF methods 
- Molecular response properties 
- Molecular dynamics 
- Modeling of catalytic processes 
- Modeling of biological systems

We hope CTTC VIII will continue the success of the previous meetings 
and provide a fruitful opportunity to share experience, promote 
scientific cooperation, and stimulate new research directions. 
Please feel free to forward this invitation to any colleagues who 
may be interested in joining us. 
We look forward to seeing you in Krakow.

Keep in mind these IMPORTANT DATES:
Abstract submission: May 31st, 2019
Early-bird registration and payment: June 30th, 2019

For further details, see CONFERENCE WEBSITE:

If you have any questions, CONTACT us at:
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Modified: Mon Dec 24 13:50:21 2018 GMT
Page accessed 4266 times since Mon Dec 24 13:45:15 2018 GMT

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