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Up Directory CCL 19.08.25 QUITEL/CHITEL 2019: The 45th International Conference of Theoretical Chemists of Latin Expression, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada (25-30 August 2019).
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Mar 30 08:30:16 2019
Subject: 19.08.25 QUITEL/CHITEL 2019: The 45th International Conference of Theoretical Chemists of Latin Expression, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada (25-30 August 2019).
The 45th International Conference of Theoretical Chemists of Latin 
Expression (Chitel/Quitel 2019) will be held on 25-30 August 2019 in 
Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 

Launched in 1969 by pioneering quantum chemists Pullman and Del Re, 
QUITEL or CHITEL is the annual conference of theoretical and computational 
chemists whose language of expression is one that is primarily derived from
Latin, such as Catalan, Italian, French, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, 

The conference will feature some of the finest researchers from around the 
world in a unique Latin atmosphere in the vibrant culture of Montreal, 
Quebec, Canada.

Abstract submission is now open with special discounts for students and 
potdocs. (There will be best poster and oral presentation prizes for
students and postdoctoral fellows).

Please visit the conference website: 

Best regards,
Bien cordialement,
Bien atentamente,
Bem cordialmente,
Bé cordialment,
Bine cordial,
Bene cordiali saluti,
Cura ut valeas,

Cherif Matta, Mount Saint Vincent University (Canada)
Gilles Peslherbe, Concordia University (Canada)
Pierre-Nicholas Roy, University of Waterloo (Canada)
QUITEL/CHITEL 2019 Organizers
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Modified: Sat Mar 30 12:30:16 2019 GMT
Page accessed 4575 times since Sat Mar 30 12:29:01 2019 GMT

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