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Up Directory CCL 19.09.16 Nursing
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Apr 13 05:25:28 2019
Subject: 19.09.16 Nursing
We are delighted to announce you about the Advanced Therapeutical Conference on Nursing & Midwifery which is going to be held from 16 -17 September 2019 in Brussels, Belgium.

The main aim of Nursing Meet 2019 is to bring together Nurses, Registered Nurses Nurse Practitioners, Scientists, Doctors, Professors, research scholars, professionals, leaders, entrepreneurs, innovators, investors, Healthcare Organizers to trade and share their encounters and research results on all perspectives of Nursing and Midwifery.
Nursing Meet 2019 provides qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method research presentations on a variety of topics related to nursing and Midwifery. It connects you with connects you with colleagues as they share knowledge on nursing education, cardiac nursing, oncology nursing, clinical nursing, public health nursing, pediatric nursing, holistic nursing, psychiatric nursing, emergency nursing etc.

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Modified: Sat Apr 13 09:25:28 2019 GMT
Page accessed 2972 times since Sat Apr 13 09:25:28 2019 GMT

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