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Up Directory CCL 20.06.18 Andy Vinter Memorial Meeting and Cresset User Group Meeting, Cambridge, UK
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Tue Sep 10 05:31:57 2019
Subject: 20.06.18 Andy Vinter Memorial Meeting and Cresset User Group Meeting, Cambridge, UK

Andy Vinter Memorial Meeting and Cresset User Group Meeting, Cambridge, UK

Webinar, June 18, 2020
Due to the unpredictability of the COVID-19 situation at this time, we have taken the difficult decision to postpone the Andy Vinter Memorial Meeting to 2021. However, the Cresset User Group Meeting will go ahead, but with a change to the format, and will now be hosted as an online meeting.
Cresset scientists will present our latest science and showcase upcoming solutions to help your chemists design the best molecules as efficiently as possible.
Whether you are new to Cresset, have been with us from the beginning, or are just intrigued to find out more about the solutions we offer, we look forward to seeing you there.

Who should attend by role?
Computational chemist ˙ • Medicinal chemist ˙• Synthetic chemist ˙ • Flavor chemist ˙• Fragrance chemist ˙• Head of discovery ˙ • Head of modeling and simulation ˙• Head of R&D ˙ • Research Scientist ˙• CSO

Who should attend by industry?
Pharmaceutical ˙• Agrochemical ˙• Biotech ˙• Flavor ˙ • Fragrance ˙• Chemical

Cresset User Group Meeting Agenda
June 18th

Time (GMT)TitlePresenter
12:00 Welcome Rob Scoffin, Chairman and CEO
12:10 Accelerating your DMTA Workflow Using Torx™ a New Platform for Small Molecule Discovery Chemistry Tim Cheeseright, Director of Products
12:35 Open Force Field Consortium Mark Mackey, CSO
12:50 Science of Free Energy Perturbations (FEP) Stuart Firth-Clark, Application Scientist
13:15 What's New in Flare™ and Spark™ Giovanna Tedesco, Senior Product Manager
13:40 A New Flare™ Python Extension to Display Protein-ligand Interactions in 2D Paolo Tosco, Senior Applications Scientist
14:00 Future Developments for Forge™ and Blaze™ and PickR™ Giovanna Tedesco, Senior Product Manager
14:20 What's in the Lab? Mark Mackey, CSO
14:45 Discussion and Closing Remarks Rob Scoffin, Chairman and CEO
15:00 Close  

Location: Webinar

This meeting will be held by webinar. Registrants will receive dial-in details closer to the date of the meeting.
Please register at

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Modified: Tue Mar 31 17:22:11 2020 GMT
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