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Up Directory CCL 20.03.16 COST Training School "Multiscale modeling of the properties of compounds: From isolated molecules to 3D materials", 16-20 March, 2020, Belgrade
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Nov 30 20:36:11 2019
Subject: 20.03.16 COST Training School "Multiscale modeling of the properties of compounds: From isolated molecules to 3D materials", 16-20 March, 2020, Belgrade

COST Chemobrionics Training School "Multiscale modeling of the properties of compounds:
From isolated molecules to 3D materials", 16-20 March, 2020, Belgrade

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the 2nd Chemobrionics Training School entitled
"Multiscale modeling of the properties of compounds: From isolated molecules
 to 3D materials".
The school will take place in Belgrade from 16-20 March, 2020 and 
is expected to welcome up to 25 European trainees. This event is within 
the COST Action CA17120 Chemobrionics and is open to Master students, PhD students, 
post-docs, and permanent scientists from all European countries,  
and from near neighbour countries of the European Union. 
The Training School will cover the expertise in a broad field of 
multiscale modeling. The topics will include physical and chemical 
aspects of multiscale modeling of solids, liquids, fluid-structure 
interaction and biopolymers (proteins and nucleic acids), focusing 
on the formation of biological and biomimetic microtubular structures, 
the self-assembling patterns in reaction-diffusion systems, the use of 
DFT and other methods in mineralogy and for the characterization of 
biological materials, as well as adsorption/desorption processes. 
The Training School will address modern problems where the system 
complexity involves multiple temporal and/or spatial characteristic 
scales.The school will have five days of lectures, complemented by 
hands-on exercises aimed to provide a practical insight on the 
selected problems within the different covered fields. 
PhD students, post-docs and permanent scientists can apply for 
a fixed Grant which is financed by COST Action CA17120.

For details about the school and how to apply please visit:

The applications should be sent until latest January 25th, 2020.
The final acceptation will be made according to the  arrival-order of 
the valid applications!
 Booking of rooms is possible at the Palace Hotel:

We look forward to receiving your application!

On behalf of the Organizing Committee,
Sonja Grubisic
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Modified: Sun Dec 1 01:36:11 2019 GMT
Page accessed 3126 times since Sun Dec 1 01:15:25 2019 GMT

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