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Up Directory CCL 20.06.22 13th International Conference on Relativistic Effects in Heavy-Element Chemistry and Physics (REHE2020), Assisi, Italy
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Jan 9 10:27:27 2020
Subject: 20.06.22 13th International Conference on Relativistic Effects in Heavy-Element Chemistry and Physics (REHE2020), Assisi, Italy
We kindly invite you to register and submit an abstract to present your
research at the ''13th International Conference on Relativistic Effects in
Heavy-Element Chemistry and Physics (REHE 2020)'', Assisi, Italy from 22
June to 26 June 2020.

The REHE conference series runs since 26 years now with typically about
100-120 participants, who are mostly working on heavy element physics
and chemistry. Typically, the atmosphere is quite informal but
scientifically effective.

Please visit the conference website at for
further information.

We would like to remind you that the maximum number of delegates is
limited for this event (first come/first served).


Anastasia Borschevsky
Angela K. Wilson
Gustavo Aucar
Julien Toulouse
Lan Cheng
Marius Kadek
Michal Repisky
Minori Abe
Paola Belanzoni
Peter A. Schwerdtfeger
Silvia Picozzi
Thomas E Albrecht-Schmitt
Trond Saue
Vladimir Shabaev
Valeria Pershina
Wenjian Liu
Xiaosong Li
Lucas Visscher


Yuri Oganessian
Polly L. Arnold
Victor Flambaum
Harry M. Quiney
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Modified: Thu Jan 9 15:27:27 2020 GMT
Page accessed 2741 times since Thu Jan 9 15:22:51 2020 GMT

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